The Pale Blue Dot On Which We All Live
Each of us goes about our life engrossed in the everyday cacophony that represents being alive in modern society. We worry over meeting the bills, what the city council might decide on a certain zoning issue, or who the President will be in 2024 (well, now we know). We revel in our own perceived importance as we ascend corporate, military or political ladders. Sometimes, it behooves us to consider a larger perspective. …READ MORE…
From Ashes to Joy: Finding Purpose Beyond the Pain
Emerging from the depths of despair can feel like stepping into a new world. The story of Job reminds us that while suffering may shatter life as we know it, it also creates opportunities for renewal and restoration. Job’s journey from unimaginable loss to abundant blessing shows that God can take the ashes of our lives and use them to create something beautiful and meaningful. …READ MORE…
WATCH: The Power of Forgiveness | God’s Free Gift
Advertisers know that nothing gets our attention more than the word “free.” If we can get something for nothing, we’re listening. Well, God’s offer of eternal life means we trade in our sins and shortcomings . . . our nothingness . . . and He gives us eternal life. What’s more, His grace is literally something for nothing. We’ll learn about that today on A NEW BEGINNING as Pastor Greg Laurie continues our studies in the Psalms. We’ll get a lesson on forgiveness, mercy and grace. …WATCH HERE…
7 year tribulations? Myths to reality, Part 2
It’s all in the context: 70 weeks, for whom? by whom? When? And how?
This series of posts rests on what God says in Daniel 9 and is extracted from the texts of Revelation the Fair God, The Great Harvest of the Post-Allah World as well as The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and the biblical references therein. …READ MORE…
O Holy Night
A few weeks ago, in an unofficial and very unscientific survey of several of my friends, I asked each participant to name his/her favorite Christmas song. “Silent Night,” “Little Drummer Boy,” and “White Christmas” were all on the short list, but the overwhelming favorite was “O Holy Night.”…READ MORE…
Highlights of the week; Your president returns in 36 days
Once again the rapier wit of Don Surber looks at last week's significant events and provides his own, somewhat ribald interpretation…READ MORE…
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