The Exodus of Black Men From The Democrat Party
The primary vocation of Black men is "voter," not father, husband, coach, or mentor for the left. Black men are noticing and are no longer putting up with the disrespect.
There has been a lot of talk about Black men this election cycle. Black men are still the Democratic party's second most loyal voting bloc, but the left's hostility toward masculinity and embrace of the matriarchy is causing a lot of Black men to reconsider whom they are voting for. The primary vocation of Black men is "voter," not father, husband, coach, or mentor for the left. Black men are noticing and are no longer putting up with the disrespect…READ MORE…
Trans Surgery vs. Abortion
Here in the 21st century, we look upon our ancestors turning boys into castrati as cruel. Yet we have no problem transgendering kids in grade school.
Or maybe we Americans do have a problem with that, too…READ MORE…
Agenda 47: DEI Exposed As A Scam, Trump Will Drown It In The DC Swamp
President Donald J. Trump has said he will dismantle the DEI grift in every department and agency within the DC Swamp. However, some agencies have been so corrupted by this racist indoctrination, he will have no choice but to close them and start from scratch…READ MORE…
WATCH: President Biden delivers a speech on drug costs while on a tour of New Hampshire
US President Joe Biden visits a New Hampshire Democratic coordinated campaign office in Concord, New Hampshire…READ MORE…
The Real Swamp: How D.C.’s Wealthiest Counties Prove Corruption is King
If there was ever any doubt that Washington, D.C. is a swamp, just take a look at the five wealthiest counties in America. Surprise! They’re all nestled comfortably around the nation’s capital. What does this tell us? Simply that the so-called public servants aren’t exactly starving while they claim to be working for the “people.” Instead, they’re thriving in a bubble of luxury, and it’s a clear sign that the unhealthy relationship between government, contractors, and lobbyists is at an all-time high…READ MORE…
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Excellent piece on why and how black men are walking away from the party, that saw and treated them as chattel.
For decades they've sold the black community illiteracy, destitution, destruction and death in the form of corrupt lackey mayors and governors, implementing white liberal social programs; drug and gang culture sold by the regime propagandists in hollywood and the music industry; and radicalization to violence against any regime identified enemy, in order to have black men killed and then used as a racial and political cudgel - by those same white, liberal elites.
Those libs also sold the notion that the state and a welfare check was a better option for the black woman, than having a black husband and father in the home. That message was refined and radicalized by each and every forerunner of oprah and all those who came after that elitist shill.
I've commented previously (elsewhere) that the second biggest fear of the white, liberal, elites who run the dem party is an educated (about the societal truths he and his family face and the solutions he's told don't exist), everyday black American man. When he takes issue with the decades long lies, neglect and outright political enslavement of he and his fellow black citizens, they have no answer, because it was dems elites that ran the cities and states, denied aid and real infrastructure support and then turned around and gave millions of tax dollars to support, feed and house non-citizen, illegal, invaders. Of course part of that tax money came from the pockets of black citizens.
That's their second biggest fear, their first biggest fear is if/when black women wake up and walk away.
To the black men who've walked off the obama, schumer, pelosi and clinton plantations, welcome to freedom. The sky is the limit. However, one warning - you've now become the enemy of every single leftist, dem, lib, progressive globalist in the country (to include many black women still happily on those political plantations), so watch your backs. Most conservatives have been dealing with that target for a while now, so if you find yourself needing an ally at some point, don't hesitate to ask.
Well said. 👏👏👏🥰