Merry Christmas From American Free News Network
On this holy day celebrating the birth of our Lord, the staff and volunteer writers here at American Free News Network, would like to wish one and all a very Merry Christmas. We appreciate your continued support. …READ MORE…
A Very Unholy Night: A Soldier’s Christmas Sacrifice in Combat
On Christmas night in 2010, in Iraq our base came under heavy attack from insurgents who launched 92 rockets, reportedly of Iranian origin dating back to the 1970s. The attackers orchestrated a coordinated assault, positioning the rockets in civilian areas such as schools and places of worship to conceal their activities. …READ MORE…
Merry Christmas
Thank you. That is the purpose of this column. I want to say “thanks.” I don’t know you, but I believe in the good you do.
In public, I used to see you sometimes and think to myself: “I wish someone would thank them.” But I never do because if I did, you’d think I was a complete nut job. …READ MORE…
While You Were Sleeping
Today’s message is short and sweet. While we’re opening gifts, eating, drinking, and being merry, let’s not forget what happened over 2000 years ago in a little town in Israel. Take about three minutes to listen to this beautiful and thought-provoking song, written by Mark Hall and recorded by Casting Crowns. …READ MORE…
What A Difference Does A Day Make?
Reflections on December 25 and our celebration of holidays…
In recent years, there has been a good deal of exposition – particularly on social media – taking issue with the date on which we celebrate Christmas. The claim is that Christmas itself is a borrowed date, that the church fathers selected December 25 to co-opt the pagan holiday of the saturnalia, or perhaps some other pagan holiday, much as the Romans used to co-opt the native religions of regions they themselves conquered. …READ MORE…
Christmas 2024
Twas shortly before Christmas that
Santa became distraught when he realized
his eight tiny reindeer finally
needed to be retired or subsidized …READ MORE…
Christmas With Lewis & Clark
The comforts Americans enjoy today were built on the backs of our ancestors. This article will give Americans in 2024 a feel for the sacrifices which Lewis, Clark, their men & one woman endured while exploring President Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase. …READ MORE…
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