The Enemy Within
The left has been cautious for decades, slowly inching forward until they see victory in reach. When they think they can clearly see that, they will strike. That time is now.
The Trojan Horse sure was old fashioned. No one would think of such a thing now. That would be too obvious. No, the left is more devious than that. The insidious left takes the long view. Give them an inch and they will take a mile, but only a yard at a time. The left has been cautious for decades, slowly inching forward until they see victory in reach. When they think they can clearly see that, they will strike. That time is now. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Kellyanne Conway: Biden is embarrassing us on the world stage, but Trump will fix it
‘Hannity’ panelists Kellyanne Conway, Stephen Miller and Jason Chaffetz react to President Biden pardoning his son Hunter and the Democrats’ ‘desperate’ moves. …WATCH HERE…
Dems are saying FJB; 48 shopping days left until the inauguration
We knew FJB would pardon Hunter, his bagman and son. Blood is thicker than water, but not as thick as someone having the dirt on you. Hunter had the receipts and put them on a laptop. The question was when the pardon would come because timing is everything in politics and comedy. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Turley projects outcome of SCOTUS case on gender treatment for minors
Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley evaluates Supreme Court arguments in a case relating to gender treatments for minors on ‘Hannity.’ #foxnews …WATCH HERE…
The Modern Democratic Party is Not “The Loyal Opposition”
As 2024 gives way to 2025, many things will change in these United States of America.
The Executive Branch will be led by Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and their talented team.
The U.S. Senate and House will both be led by Republican majorities, however slim.
In other words – we will again have undivided governance by the Republican coalition. …READ MORE…
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