While history points to Democrats retaking the House in 2026, the question is will that majority be Tim Walz crazy or just Joe Manchin duplicitous?
The media is doing debriefings of defeated Democrats as they exit stage left—really, really, really left. These pieces amuse me but the stories also inspire me because these exit interviews underscore how we can stop Democrats from destroying America. …READ MORE…
‘No way’ Biden could have defeated Trump, GOP strategist says: ‘Barely able to serve’
Democratic strategist Michael LaRosa and Republican strategist Katie Frost join ‘Fox & Friends’ to discuss President Biden’s reported regret over dropping out of the 2024 election. #FoxNews …WATCH HERE…
Biden Discusses His Four Years Of Failure
During one of his lucid moments Joe Biden gave what will probably be his last interview before President-Elect Donald J. Trump is sworn in and begins to repair the massive damage. Of course, Biden’s handlers chose a “news” outlet no one ever heard of, MeidasTouch. They are a Leftist propaganda organization who did not ask him any tough questions. The “interviewer” let him prattle on spewing lie after lie.^ …READ MORE…
‘CRUCIAL WIN’: Trump declares victory on border following ruling against Biden
‘Fox & Friends’ co-hosts weigh in after a Texas judge blocked the Biden administration from selling off the remaining border wall materials. #FoxNews …WATCH HERE…
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