Breaking the Chains: Why Trump Should Channel Teddy Roosevelt to Bust Modern Monopolies
If Donald Trump truly wants to cement his legacy as a defender of American greatness, he need look no further than the example set by Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt, a man of grit and resolve, took on the monopolies of his time—the railroads, Standard Oil, and other industrial giants—to protect everyday Americans and preserve fair competition. Today, we face a new breed of monopolistic powerhouses like Google, Amazon, Meta, and Disney, which not only dominate their markets but also exert immense cultural and political influence, often at odds with American values. A modern trust-busting crusade could be the signature policy Trump needs to win the hearts of both free-market conservatives and everyday patriots. …READ MORE…
WATCH: ‘We will resist’: National Urban League slams Trump’s anti-DEI orders
The National Urban League’s Marc Morial joins Morning Joe to discuss President Trump ordering all federal employees in diversity, equity and inclusion roles placed on paid leave by Wednesday evening. …WATCH HERE…
Thank God and Greyhound You’re Gone!
Roy Clark was a complete package entertainer in the country music world, coming on the scene in the 1960’s. He was a marvelous instrumentalist, a songwriter, singer and comedian. He became one of the hosts on the show HeeHaw, that premiered in the 1970’s, and was always a wonderful entertainer. He had many hits, but one of my favorites is the one that I apply to the end of Biden and Kamala, “Thank God and Greyhound You’re Gone.” …READ MORE…
El Camino de Crazy-O
I’ve never seen London. I’ve never seen France. Consequently, I’ve never seen anyone’s underpants.
But in a few months my wife Jamie and I will fly into France—wearing underpants—to do something that is completely nuts because my wife is bat-excrement insane. …READ MORE…
Is the National Debt a Moral Issue?
Our federal debt currently stands at an astronomical $36,400,000,000,000. It has gone up another $2T in just the last 3 months. Everyone with even the slightest amount of common sense – and even the occasional economist – understands that our current fiscal trajectory is unsustainable. The people we send to Washington to be smart, are behaving in a very stupiduninformed way – assuming they will never run out of other people’s money to spend. …READ MORE…
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