Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
There are few modern-day prophets that we recognize, but false prophets abound. If there's a New Apostolic Reformation church near you, you might be surprised.
In the past, when I’ve read the Bible, I’ve pretty much skimmed over the prophets. After all, who wants to be endlessly preached at and condemned? At least, that was my impression of the prophetic scriptures.
But recently, I’ve been led to examine the prophets more closely. Maybe it’s because I’m on the downhill slope of life–that’s a kinder, gentler way of saying that I’m getting old. And maybe what I've heard in Old Testament Bible studies is finally sinking in…READ MORE…
The Miracle of Nature: God's Hand at Work in Lake Huron
After a breathtaking dive, I was compelled to write this; Now one of my new favorite local dive sites. I've seen the changes since 1986 when I began diving here as a kid. It’s incredible
In the pristine waters of Lake Huron, a remarkable tale of nature's resilience unfolds, showcasing the intricate balance and divine design that governs our world. This story involves zebra mussels, round gobies, and lake trout, each playing a pivotal role in an ecological drama that exemplifies the miracle of nature and God's handiwork in restoring balance to a disrupted ecosystem…READ MORE…
Ominous Signs In a Godless Nation
We must understand, we’re living in a world ruled by Satan, sojourners among the enemies of God, and we’re commanded to “occupy” until Jesus returns.
In Matthew 25 and Luke 19, just prior to Jesus entering Jerusalem, where He knew He would shortly be crucified, He told His disciples the “Parable of the Talents.” In this lesson, Jesus told of a nobleman who gave each of his servants a number of “talents,” each according to his ability. He didn’t assign any of them more than He knew they were capable of handling well. And prior to leaving, the man in the story told his servants to “occupy ‘til I come.” Jesus also explained that the people would hate the nobleman and rebel against him and would be hostile to his servants…READ MORE…
Wheat and Tares
Pope St. Pius V who served from January 1566 to his death, in May 1572 had it right saying, “All the evil in the world is due to lukewarm Catholics.”
During your life, you have resided under the Muhammad Ali of American presidents, and as luck would have it, you are now living under the second greatest president, ever. If that isn’t enough, over in Rome on the chair of Peter sits the greatest pope in Church history.
Every day is like having the largest Powerball winning lottery ticket sitting on your dresser waiting to be cashed.
And then you wake up…READ MORE…
Pagan Religions, Zeus, and the Worship of Satan: A Biblical Perspective
From a Biblical perspective, ancient pagan religions, particularly the worship of Zeus and other gods, may be viewed as indirect forms of Satan worship.
The Bible frequently warns against idolatry and the worship of false gods, which it often depicts as being under the influence of demonic forces. In Deuteronomy 32:17, it states, "They sacrificed to demons, not God, to gods they had not known, to newly appeared gods, which your ancestors did not fear." This suggests that the deities worshipped by pagans were actually demons, aligning with the idea that pagan worship, including that of Zeus, could be seen as Satanic…READ MORE…
Don Surber's, Highlights of the Week
This is Don Surber's curated recap of the important stories from this past week.
Now Democrats have an unacceptable candidate that they cannot get rid of. Slow Joe has no intention of quitting. He is going down in November and taking the whole party with him.
30 years ago, all of America was saying Run Bambi, Run!
Now I say, run Xiden, run!…READ MORE…
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