Woke Janet Yellen Calls for $3 Trillion Annual Investment to Combat Climate Change
In a media claimed 'powerful address', U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen highlighted the urgent need for a staggering $3 trillion annually to drive the global shift towards a low-carbon economy.
In a media claimed 'powerful address', U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen highlighted the urgent need for a staggering $3 trillion annually to drive the global shift towards a low-carbon economy.
This woman has to be out of her mind. The United States is bankrupt, and counterfeiting (printing) money at insane rates, destroying the dollar and purposely crashing the U.S. economy…READ MORE…
The Case for an Election Day, Not an Election Season
In the spirit of our Founders and the principles they enshrined in our Constitution, it is essential to revisit and reassert the concept of a singular Election Day as opposed to the elongated election seasons that have become common in modern times. This shift away from a defined Election Day undermines the integrity of our electoral process and deviates from the original intent of the Founding Fathers…READ MORE…
What could happen if Kamala Harris wins in November?
While I still believe (and certainly hope) Donald Trump wins election to the Presidency in 2024, those of us who oppose the very liberal policy prescriptions and philosophy of Kamala Harris need to accept one very disturbing possibility: she CAN win…READ MORE…
That's All I Have To Say About That.
I’ve been trying to find something decent to say about the cackling, vacuous, imbecilic vice president, now elevated to demoncrat candidate for president, due to a coup in the demoncrat party. All I’ve been able to come up with is that, a) she hasn’t fallen up any steps, b) she hasn’t fallen off a bicycle and c) she hasn’t tripped over a sandbag.
That’s it…READ MORE…
The 1980 Olympic Boycott: A Political Stand or an Athlete's Punishment?
The 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, marred by the U.S.-led boycott, remains a significant chapter in the history of international sports and political maneuvering. This boycott was primarily a reaction to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979. President Jimmy Carter, vehemently opposed to this act of aggression, announced that the United States would not participate in the games unless the Soviets withdrew their troops. This decision set the stage for one of the most notable Olympic boycotts in history…READ MORE…
Operant Conditioning, Path Dependency and Societal Revolution, Part 1
I dislike the practice of operant conditioning. It robs a person of their free will and inherently erodes virtue.
First a disclaimer. I dislike the practice of operant conditioning. It robs a person of their free will and inherently erodes virtue. Now there are some people in the neuroscience community that say freewill does not exist. While I cannot prove it, I think it does. The founders of the US Republic built it on these principles. Erode them, and you erode the foundations of the Republic. Operant conditioning does work, but at what price?
Consider the use of Agent Orange in Viet Nam. It accomplished its defoliation objective and presumably save American lives. But it also killed American soldiers via cancer from exposure to it. Just because something achieves its design purpose does not mean it is effective if the costs exceed the benefits…READ MORE…
The Hidden Agenda Behind "Defund the Police": A Push for Federal Control
The founding fathers, in their infinite wisdom, deliberately avoided creating a federal police force. They understood that such power in the hands of a centralized authority could lead to tyranny. Instead, they championed local governance, where sheriffs and police chiefs answer to the communities they serve…READ MORE…
Federalist 70: Hamilton On An Energetic Presidency
Hamilton: “Energy in the Executive is a leading character in the definition of good government.” However, there is a downside to an energetic presidency.
The eleven-paper discussion on the nature of the Presidency continues in Federalist 70 with Hamilton pointing out that “Energy in the Executive is a leading character in the definition of good government.”[1] Not everyone believed in the importance of an energetic presidency. There was some concern that these new United States might go the way of the Romans where the chief executive devolved into a dictator. Hamilton points out the difference in that, in our republican form of government, the Executive functions as the nation’s chief enforcer of the laws. He has no law-making ability and thus cannot impose his will unless that will were to match that of the Congress. If Congress declines to act, nothing happens…READ MORE…
Living Behind Enemy Lines #3; J6 Attendee Jose, Still Sleeps With His Clothes On
Jose first marched up and down the street with his sign, hollering "Ask me what I saw." People in businesses stuck their heads out, and quickly went back inside. He finally went into a bar and tried talking to people there, no one was interested…READ MORE…
The Implications of DEI, Critical Race Theory, and Unconscious Bias Training: Stereotyping and Social Division
In recent years, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, Critical Race Theory (CRT), and unconscious bias training have become prominent tools in addressing issues of racial and social inequality.
While these approaches aim to promote awareness and inclusivity, they also have significant implications for how individuals are perceived and categorized. This article explores how these theories and training methods can inadvertently support stereotyping individuals into categories of oppressed and oppressor, feeding narratives that stigmatize groups such as "white Christian nationalists."…READ MORE…
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