Woke Isn’t Likely to Go Away So Soon
Harris voters found themselves in a reality they never thought could ever come into being
It should have been expected. Following Trump’s re-election as President much of the corporate media has gone into something of a meltdown. It never seemed to cross anyone’s mind that it might even be possible, let alone likely Kamala Harris was set to lose. In fact most had convinced themselves that there was no possibility that Harris wouldn’t win. They found themselves in a reality they never thought could ever come into being. …READ MORE…
COVID-19: Nature’s Coincidence or Human-Made Catastrophe?
For those who still cling to the belief that COVID-19 emerged naturally from a wet market in Wuhan, I’ve got some bad news. While the “natural origin” story was spoon-fed to the public from day one, the hard evidence and statistical probability paint a very different picture—one that makes the bioengineering theory far more plausible than many are willing to admit. Let’s take a closer look at the facts and probabilities that suggest the virus wasn’t some random jump from a bat to a human but rather a product of human meddling. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Will the FBI do anything about threats against Trump and his nominees?
‘The Ingraham Angle’ panelists Byron York and Richard Staropoli react to the FBI investigating threats against President-elect Donald Trump and his nominees. …WATCH HERE…
The Original Intent of Birthright Citizenship; A Solution for Modern Misuse
The issue of birthright citizenship has sparked debate, especially as it applies to children born in the U.S. to non-citizen parents. This practice, known as the “anchor baby” phenomenon, can unintentionally bypass immigration laws and enable extended family migration. Yet, the original purpose of birthright citizenship was vastly different. Rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment, this provision was meant to ensure citizenship rights for freed slaves and their descendants, not as a pathway to establish residency for those without legal status. …READ MORE…
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