White Supremacy- it’s not About Whiteness
Today, the attack on white people is not about “white supremacy,” but about power.
In June of 2023, Chelsea Clinton, that privileged white girl of a privileged white family, let the cat out of the bag.
So-called “white supremacy” is really about Biblical Christianity, what she calls “Christian white nationalism.”[1] …READ MORE…
Albert Einstein Predicted a Political Realignment
Is Donald Trump’s rise in the polls our gyroscope spinning up, as we prepare for another correction?
In 2008, our lying corrupt institutions convinced us that our virtue and salvation depended on making a fundamental transformation. We were told that America needed to atone for past sins. It convinced us that we needed to repent, so we signed up for a “Thelma and Louise” joyride to Socialjusticeville with Barack Obama and Joe Biden at the helm. We didn’t realize at the time that “fundamental transformation” meant trading in our self-governed republic for a one-party tyranny – though we should have…READ MORE…
The Questionable Legacy of Michelle Obama: Unfit for Presidential Aspirations
Michelle Obama, during her tenure as First Lady, faced significant criticism for several initiatives and actions that have raised doubts about her suitability for a higher political office, particularly the presidency.
One of the most contentious aspects of her legacy is the overhaul of school lunches under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. While the intention was to promote healthier eating habits among children, the implementation was widely criticized. Many students found the new meals unappetizing, leading to increased food waste and lower participation in school lunch programs. This initiative highlighted her disconnect from the practicalities and preferences of everyday American families…READ MORE…
Murica! The Revolutionary War: A Fight for Gun Rights NOT Tea Prices
As we look back at yesterday's Fourth of July celebration, let’s take a moment to revisit the true essence of the American Revolutionary War.
Contrary to the powdered wigs and history books that claim it was all about taxation without representation and the exorbitant price of tea, the real battle was about something far more quintessentially American: gun rights. Yes, folks, the Founding Fathers were less concerned with their Earl Grey and more focused on their right to bear arms…READ MORE…
John Parillo: On Federalist 51
In this episode, John Parillo discusses how James Madison a modern day Aristotle balanced powers of the three branches of the new government.
Madison uses Federalist 51 to point out just how important it is that we studied human nature before getting into this topic. He expressly discusses how the construct of the federal government under the proposed constitution relies not on the kind of noble philosopher that Plato wished for and Aristotle acknowledged did not exist, but rather on “ambition… made to counter act ambition”.[1] This is a critical concept of our founding fathers. Rather than to deny the nature of humanity, they designed the Constitution to take what they knew to be true from their study of the Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans. Humans are flawed creations and no amount of utopian thinking will ever change that fact…READ MORE…
Earth To Democrats: It's Called Weather!!!!
Like Obama, the Biden Regime has used the Climate Change scam to transfer billions from America’s lower & middle classes to the Ruling Elite.
We “Get Real” pundits discussed how the Deep Blob has been scaring us into giving up our liberties via the Climate Change Scam for decades now. Like Obama, the Biden Regime has used this scam to transfer billions from America’s lower & middle classes to the Ruling Elite. This same scam is currently being built into the Digital Currency Tyranny wherein us serfs will be blocked from buying certain items & services if we use up our “carbon credits.” Click here to listen to our 27-minute discussion. “Get Real” Host, George Caylor and Professor Steve M. Putney were in George’s studio in Lynchburg, VA. I joined them, via Zoom, from our mountain cabin in the gorgeous Black Hills of South Dakota, 25 miles south of Mt. Rushmore on June 21st…READ MORE…
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