Whenever There is a Truth You Cannot Tell, That is a Truth You Must Tell!
This is my third article entitled, "Whenever there is a truth you cannot tell, that is a truth you must tell!", because we really must tell the truth here
J K Rowling, the author of the brilliant Harry Potter books, is a stone liberal, one who decided to tell readers that Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, is homosexual. Miss Rowling never mentioned anything about her vision of Professor Dumbledore as being queer in the actual series of books, and the only mention of sexuality in the series is all about normal sexual interests.
Her description of how nerdy teenaged boys felt about having to ask out girls to the Yule Ball in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when the main characters would have been 14-years-old, amazed me in how a middle-aged woman could so accurately portray a teenaged boy's thinking and feelings and utter terrors at having to ask out a girl for the first time. But, even as liberal as she is, she understands that males cannot 'transition' into females, and vice-versa…READ MORE.
Easter Potpourri
Easter was a day of gratitude, praise, and real joy for Christians celebrating Resurrection Sunday...And another clear indicator of Democrat depravity.
Easter 2024 had new outrages and old harmony. It passed playing out the simple rhythms of life and edging to the cusp of great events. It was a day of gratitude, praise, and real joy for Christians celebrating Resurrection Sunday. And another clear indicator of Democrat depravity…READ MORE.
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