Western Civ On the Brink
Who stands for the West? “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho. Western civ has got to go.” (Jesse Jackson, Stanford University, 1992)
It certainly seems not Jesse. So is this what we're seeing today? If we can't explain Western Civilization's importance to our children how do we explain it to those beyond our borders?
Are we simply casting aside Western Civilization's good, done by those who came before, because the “progressives” among us maintain it doesn't represent the “here and now” but rather the patriarchal past? However, if not for many of those patriarchs how did we get to where we are now? Are all their good works to be thrown to the “multicultural” wolves? “Hard times create(ed) strong men.”…READ MORE…
Long Ago, & Far Away in a Land that Time Forgot
The 1950s were a more congenial and safer time to be a kid than it is today. There was no Internet or social media to bully and insult us.
Those who grew up in the 1950s know a few things about that era. For example, we know the 1950s weren’t perfect. What era is? We know opportunity wasn't always available for minorities, and neither was equality when it came to civil rights or equal pay for women.
But we also know that the 1950s were a more congenial and safer time to be a kid than it is today. There was no Internet or social media to bully and insult us. Conversations were face-to-face; the telephone was the only technology we used to communicate.
School shootings were unheard of, and the only demonstrations that occurred on high school or college campuses were pep rallies before football and basketball games…READ MORE…
The Reflective Belt Litmus Test: Exposing Fake Iraq Veterans Online
In the age of internet warriors and self-proclaimed heroes, one surefire way to vet a person's claim of serving in Iraq is the Reflective Belt Litmus Test.
In the age of internet warriors and self-proclaimed heroes, one surefire way to vet a person's claim of serving in Iraq is the Reflective Belt Litmus Test. If they didn't wear a reflective belt 24/7 while inside the base, you know they're spinning tall tales faster than a malfunctioning MRE heater.
Let's face it: in the Army, safety was the MVP, overshadowing even victory. Nothing screamed "I'm more concerned about not getting run over" quite like that neon strip of safety draped around every soldier's waist or shoulder. Whether you were checking your mail, hitting the gym, or just enjoying the Iraqi sunset, that reflective belt was your constant companion, making sure you were visible from space…READ MORE…
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