Unlawful Entry - Secret Service Agents Accused of Breaching Massachusetts Hair Salon During VP Harris's Visit
On July 27, Secret Service agents allegedly disabled a security camera and unlawfully entered a hair salon in Massachusetts during security preparations for Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign event…READ MORE…
Obama Finally Reveals His Agenda
We have to wreck America — destroy all hope — before we can install the socialism that we desire. We have to stop people from striving to be Donald Trump in favor of being part of their tribe, be it black or brown, female or gay man, Muslim or atheist. Straight white Christian straight men need not apply…READ MORE…
Debtapalooza: America’s Never-Ending Spending Spree
Welcome to Debtapalooza, the greatest show on Earth where the U.S. government’s favorite pastime is spending money it doesn't have! Ever since President Nixon decided that gold was too shiny and turned our money into fiat currency in 1971, it's been one wild financial ride…READ MORE…
The Original October 7 Gives Us Hope
The next American civil war — if there is one — will find Americans facing MS-13 and Hamas because the left knows that their boys in Chicago couldn’t hit a barn door…READ MORE…
The Constitution’s Meaning: Anchored in Original Intent and Public Understanding
The U.S. Constitution, the foundation of American law and governance, stands as a testament to the vision and wisdom of the Founding Fathers…READ MORE…
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