Unfit for Duty: The National Security Threat No One Wants to Talk About
It turns out the greatest national security threat to the United States isn’t from some far-flung foreign adversary—it’s from within.
It turns out the greatest national security threat to the United States isn’t from some far-flung foreign adversary—it’s from within. That’s right, folks: a whopping 77% of young Americans aged 17 to 24 are unqualified to serve in the military. The very generation that grew up dominating Call of Duty can’t handle, well, actual duty. Instead, they’re too busy battling obesity, failing drug tests, and struggling with physical and mental health issues. You’d think we were training them for a role in a dystopian Netflix series, not the real-life defense of our nation…READ MORE…
On the Lighter Side
The Al Smith Dinner is a good-natured affair where the presidential candidates poke fun at each other.
In politics, possessing a sense of humor is essential and dates back more than two millennia. Roman politician and orator Cicero used humor to charm audiences — and humiliate opponents. Cicero, as Anthony Everitt, his most recent biographer, reports, “specialized in the brutal put-down.”…READ MORE…
Kamala Harris Was Always More of An Image
Kamala Harris was never so much a candidate as most people think of one as she was the image of something that the progressive wing of the democratic party wanted to project. On that front it was always more a case of presenting a facade rather than having any substance…READ MORE…
Harris lists her bona fides
Vice President Kamala Harris speaks on being a state attorney general and more at her first campaign stop with former President Obama.…READ MORE…
Electric Vehicles: The Parachute Pants of Transportation
Remember parachute pants? Those shiny, ill-fitting trousers that were all the rage in the 80s but quickly faded into the realm of bad fashion memories? Well, today’s electric vehicles (EVs) are the modern equivalent—another short-sighted fad that some believe is the future of transportation. Sure, they’re trendy now, but like parachute pants, their time will come and go. Anyone thinking EVs are a long-term solution to environmental woes is setting themselves up for disappointment…READ MORE…
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This was an excellent post…Thanks 😊