Under the Shelter of His Wings
Several years ago, my husband and I both retired and we have been blessed to be able to move to a house on a large, gorgeous lake. We’ve spent many hours on the screened-in porch, enjoying sunrises, sunsets, thunderstorms, and snowfall, leaves turning yellow and red in the fall, dogwoods and azaleas blooming in the spring. …READ MORE…
The Degeneration of the Human Genome: A Biblical and Genetic Perspective
The Bible presents a picture of humanity’s origins in perfection, with Adam and Eve created with pure DNA and the potential for extraordinarily long lives. Early biblical figures, such as Adam and Methuselah, lived for over 900 years. However, following the Fall and the introduction of sin into the world (Genesis 3), humanity experienced a gradual decline in health and longevity. This concept of genetic degeneration, supported by biblical records and some genetic theories, suggests that the human genome has steadily deteriorated due to the accumulation of harmful mutations over generations. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Angels & Demons: Harvest + Greg Laurie
Thank you for watching, tune in live here on YouTube every Sunday and Thursday for more messages of hope and encouragement from Pastor Greg Laurie! …WATCH HERE…
No King But King Jesus
Donald Trump has been in office for less than a week. That’s one job I definitely wouldn’t want. Never, in the history of our nation, have we seen so much disaster, on so many levels and in every sector of society. I can’t think of any incoming president in history that ever faced what Trump is facing going into this. …READ MORE…
Transcendent Geopolitics 1
As life stands today.
Do we live in a world gone mad or are we witnesses to a majestically orchestrated plan? It is easy to see the world-gone-mad part; but the followers of Jesus have the information to watch the divinely orchestrated plan coming to fruition. Let us form the effective mental picture that the Bible gives us. This is the subject of this exposé. …READ MORE…
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