Tyler Durden: America Is Hurtling Toward A Full-Blown Hot Civil War
This is the war that lies ahead of us, looming just over the horizon, and our lives and our loved ones depend on our success.
It never ceases to amaze me how little so many people in this country have done to train their minds to analyze information critically. They have eyes to see and ears to hear, yet somehow, the truth of any major issue still seems to evade them. Or they refuse to recognize the truth when it isstanding right in front of them, slapping them in the face.
So many things are currently plumb damned fouled up by this Biden regime and going awry on their own through the dynamics set in motion by this anti-American, lawless regime that it’s nearly impossible to…READ MORE…
Never Trumpers continue losing; Kevin D. Williamson remains in the middle — covered in paint
There are people headed toward capitalism and on the opposite side of the road are people headed to hell, which in politics is spelled socialism.
In the early 1980s, I was newspapering in Parkersburg, West Virginia. One day a Department of Highways crew was sent to repaint the faded double yellow lines along Division Street. They did not remove the road kill.
I remember that incident occasionally when some genius comes up with the idea that there is a center in politics that we should embrace. The political center is not what they think it is. There are people headed toward capitalism and on the opposite side of the road are people headed to hell, which in politics is spelled socialism. Each believes they are on the right side of the road.…READ MORE…
The Peril of Self-Loathing: Unveiling the Demonic Spirit of Ideological Extremism in the USA Today
In recent years, a troubling trend has emerged in certain segments of American society—an insidious self-loathing rooted in disdain for the Judeo-Christian Western values that underpin our nation's identity.
In recent years, a troubling trend has emerged in certain segments of American society—an insidious self-loathing rooted in disdain for the Judeo-Christian Western values that underpin our nation's identity. This self-hatred extends to the United States' position as a global superpower and the beacon of freedom, leading some individuals to harbor resentment and animosity toward their own country and heritage. This article delves into the psychological trap of self-loathing and ideological extremism, exploring its manifestation in leftist ideologies, particularly within university settings, and its dangerous implications for societal harmony and individual well-being.
At the core of this self-loathing narrative is a rejection of the fundamental principles that have shaped the American ethos: freedom, democracy, and individual rights…READ MORE…
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