David Webb: Barnstorm New York City Mr. President!
Trump should take New York like Teddy Roosevelt going up San Juan Hill. He needs to do a Six Week Residency in the 5 boroughs
Daily talk show host, David Webb has some sage campaign advice for former President Donald Trump. His advice; President Trump should “‘own’ New York City” for the next six weeks, during his Beria-like show trial, conducted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Bragg as we know, has invented out of whole cloth, a felony charge for executing a common legal document (Non-Disclosure Agreement) with a washed-up porn star to avoid being sidetracked during the 2016 election…READ MORE…
Trump has them on the run; “Inside the Terrifyingly Competent Trump 2024 Campaign.”
Democrats have succeeded in keeping The Donald away from campaigning by tying him up in phony prosecutions. The strategy has backfired; giving his campaign staff free rein to win the election.
Gabriel Sherman of Vanity Fair unleashed the oddest take yet on President Trump’s stunning electoral buoyancy. Sherman postulates that while Democrats have succeeded in keeping The Donald away from campaigning by tying him up in phony prosecutions and frivolous lawsuits, the strategy has backfired because it has given his campaign staff free rein to win the election for him.
Sherman wrote, “Trump’s 2024 campaign has already demonstrated Trump can run an effective operation. ‘This campaign is locked down,’ a Republican close to Trump said. In previous cycles, Trump populated his campaigns with huge egos like Roger Stone, Kushner, Ivanka, Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, Corey Lewandowski, and Brad Parscale, among others. In 2024, Trump’s inner circle is made up of heads-down operatives Susie Wiles, Chris LaCivita, Miller, and James Blair, who don’t play their agendas through the media. ‘You have experienced people who don’t leak,’ longtime Trump confidant Stone said. Trump trusts his senior team to do their jobs. In the past, Trump worked the phone constantly…READ MORE…
NPR Whistleblower Resigns after Suspension
It only took 48 hours after my prediction.
When I posted just two days ago about NPR senior editor Uri Berliner’s scolding of the radio network’s blatant left-wing bias on the online news site The Free Press, I wondered how long it would take for the station’s leadership to retaliate. As it turned out, it took just about 48 hours…READ MORE…
Never Again: Tracing the Path of Genocide from Identification to Extermination
Some conflicts blur the lines between civil war and genocide, exacerbating humanitarian crises and war crimes against specific groups.
What would Civil War 2.0 look like?
Modern-day civil wars exhibit genocidal patterns due to deep ethnic, religious, or political divisions, leading to cycles of violence, revenge killings, and displacement, as seen in conflicts like Rwanda and Syria. These conflicts blur the lines between civil war and genocide, exacerbating humanitarian crises and war crimes against specific groups.
Understanding the progression of genocide throughout history is crucial to preventing future atrocities. Genocide typically evolves through several identifiable phases, each building upon the other…READ MORE…
Our Regrettable Decline from Collective Discretion into Social Mobocracy
You've seen images of "Walmart People." Can any of this be real? Do people really look like that? And do they go to Walmart and other places?
Most of us have received one of those emails displaying photos of so-called “Walmart People.” As you scroll down, you see a collection of pictures of Walmart shoppers wearing wild assortments of clothing, covering bodies that seem fashioned from silly putty or carved from tree stumps.
There are horribly overweight women wearing skimpy shorts, barely covering explosions of tattoo-blemished buttock flesh. There are men wearing pink leotards and combat boots. There are people who seem to have crawled out of a fissure in the earth--troglodytes, perhaps? Or conceivably, humanoid-like creatures from another planet that crash-landed into a Goodwill warehouse?…READ MORE…
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