Trump Cancels Digital Currency: Diane Resumes Online Banking
Whew! I was really getting tired of writing checks, which requires a stamp, an envelope and a trip to the post office. It was exhausting! The Public Utility District doesn’t even provide a return envelope! Such a pain. Two years ago I stopped online banking and reverted to mailing checks as my way of fighting back against the planned digital currency tyranny. If enough of us stopped online banking it would slow down the implementation of Central Bank (owned by our federal overlords) Digital Currency. …READ MORE…
Who’s sorry now: Germany or Hamas?
In 2018, President Trump addressed the United Nations in the annual presidential welcome to that body.
In his speech, he said, “Reliance on a single foreign supplier can leave a nation vulnerable to extortion and intimidation. That is why we congratulate European states, such as Poland, for leading the construction of a Baltic pipeline so that nations are not dependent on Russia to meet their energy needs. Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course.”
The German delegation laughed. …READ MORE…
Ham Radio: A Hobby Rooted in Science, Adventure, and Connection Across Generations”
In recent months, heightened solar activity has brought fresh excitement to the world of ham radio. Solar Cycle 25, more active than anticipated, has led to beautiful northern light displays visible far south, in places like Virginia and California. But the impact goes beyond stunning skies; increased solar activity means enhanced radio propagation, allowing ham operators to communicate across vast distances. For ham radio enthusiasts, these are prime conditions, echoing what experienced operators refer to as the golden days of ham radio, when solar activity transformed simple setups into powerful communication tools. …READ MORE…
With His Signature: Analysis Of Trump’s Executive Orders
In recent months, heightened solar activity has brought fresh excitement to the world of ham radio. Solar Cycle 25, more active than anticipated, has led to beautiful northern light displays visible far south, in places like Virginia and California. But the impact goes beyond stunning skies; increased solar activity means enhanced radio propagation, allowing ham operators to communicate across vast distances. For ham radio enthusiasts, these are prime conditions, echoing what experienced operators refer to as the golden days of ham radio, when solar activity transformed simple setups into powerful communication tools. …READ MORE…
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