To Tell the Truth
Is it ever ok to lie? What about half-truths or white lies? Isn't it ok to lie if it keeps from hurting someone's feeling? God's answer is an emphatic "No."
“Yes, Aunt Carol, your hair looks great!”
“No, honey, that dress does not make your butt look fat.”
“The boss just stepped out of the office.”
“I didn’t eat all of the cookies, Mama.”
“I caught a fish that was two feet long.”
These are all examples of everyday lies that we tell. As a former high school principal, I met fairly often with a parents who had been confronted with their child’s misbehavior. The parents' frequent response was, “We asked Sally if she did XYZ, and she swore that she didn’t. And our daughter doesn’t lie to us.” I always tried to refrain from rolling my eyes, but I usually responded with something like, “Well, Mom and Dad, that was your first mistake.” …READ MORE…
The Significance of Early Religious Nurturing: Fostering Lifelong Faith
Early exposure to religious narratives, rituals, and values helps create a foundational understanding that influences one's religious identity and outlook on life.
The importance of early exposure to religious teachings, particularly regarding figures like Jesus in Christian contexts, is a subject of meaningful consideration when discussing faith development. While statistics suggest a strong correlation between early exposure to Jesus and lifelong faith retention, exploring the psychological aspects of early religious nurturing provides valuable insights into the lasting impact of childhood religious experiences.
Central to the argument for early religious nurturing is the concept of imprinting. During the formative years of childhood, individuals are highly receptive to external influences, with family and caregivers playing vital roles in shaping belief systems…READ MORE…
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