To Honor The Fallen, Fight For The Living
Memorial Day is meant to be focused on taking the time to honor the fallen and remember those who paid the last full measure.
Each year in May we are routinely invited to take part in traditional Memorial Day activities. Barbeques and family gatherings compete with merchandise sales and the occasional remembrance ceremony. For many of us though, Memorial Day is meant to be focused on taking the time to honor the fallen and remember those who paid the last full measure. Not all paid that price, but many did. Rather than the normal Memorial Day weekend social event, I choose to remember people like Chief Warrant Officer 2 Kevin Burke and First Lieutenant Clay Cullen. They were killed in an Apache crash at Fort Irwin, California in 2018 where they served under my command during a month-long training exercise. Then there are the crews of Colossal 31, Extortion 17, Arrowsmith 35, and all too many others who willingly laid down their lives to protect the citizens of this great American Republic. May they rest in peace…READ MORE…
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