The Triumph of Independence: A Legacy of Courage and Determination
Independence Day, celebrated annually on the Fourth of July, holds profound historical and cultural significance for the United States.
This day commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, when thirteen American colonies proclaimed their separation from British rule. The act was not just a declaration but a bold assertion of the colonies' right to self-governance. This watershed moment in history marked the beginning of a new era, founded on principles of liberty, equality, and democracy. Independence Day has since become a symbol of the enduring spirit of freedom and the relentless pursuit of a better future for all.
The decision to declare independence was fraught with risk and uncertainty. The American colonies were up against the might of the British Empire, one of the most powerful nations of the time…READ MORE…
Their Juneteenth Was The 4th of July
As Americans, we owe this day and that flag all that we are because without fighting for our independence from Great Britain (as it was known then) we would never have earned it. We would be like Canadians, subjects not citizens.
Happy Fourth of July — or Independence Day, if you prefer — or Declaration Day, if you like. My point is to be happy today, and every day to be honest. Be proud to be an American, for as Ben Carson said, “I already won the Lottery; I was born in America and know the Lord.”…READ MORE…
#AntiSemitism at Columbia University
How can (supposedly) educated administrators be so calm and complacent about it?
Anti-Semitism has simply become commonplace in the United States. No, most Americans don't want Jews killed, but I worry that there is a subtle dislike of Jews, for stupid reasons, or even no reason at all, at least no reason that anti-Semites could put into words…READ MORE…
Live Not by Lies
Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a Russian novelist, historian, and outspoken critic of the Soviet Union and its totalitarian regime
Born in 1918, he served in World War II and was later imprisoned in a labor camp for criticizing Joseph Stalin in a private letter. His experiences in the Soviet Gulag system profoundly influenced his writing, leading to notable works such as "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich," "The Gulag Archipelago," and "Cancer Ward." Solzhenitsyn's fearless advocacy for truth and his condemnation of state-imposed lies earned him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1970. His essay "Live Not by Lies" encapsulates his belief in the moral imperative to reject falsehood and live with integrity…READ MORE…
Courage and Commitment at the Continental Congress
“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
The Declaration of Independence was written to be many things: a summary of our grievances with the King, an explanation of why we were taking up arms, an inspiration to our own citizenry, an introduction to foreign nations, a philosophical statement of what we Americans believe to be the proper relationship between a people and their government, a commitment to the Glorious Cause of liberty…READ MORE…
This July 4th Is a Memorial, Not a Celebration
On this July 4th, I am acknowledging the significance of our founding fathers’ gift to us, while recognizing that it is dying before our eyes.
I’m flying my flag upside down this July 4th, and have been doing so all summer. People are asking: “What’s up?” I simply tell them an upside-down flag is a universally recognized signal that the country is facing an emergency or under extreme distress. If they ask, “What’s the emergency?” they get my rant…READ MORE…
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