The Tenth Amendment And The Coalition of Red States, By Major General Paul Vallely, U.S. Army (ret)
It is well beyond time for the Conservative Red States and their Governors to stand up and step forward to exert their powers under the 10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people.
It is well beyond time for the Conservative Red States and their Governors to stand up and step forward to exert their powers under the 10th Amendment and challenge and overturn the unconstitutional, overreaching, illegal acts of the Federal government. Our states are being invaded by hordes of illegal border crossers funded and supported by the Biden White House, his Department of Homeland Security, the Mexican Cartels, and the Chinese Communist Party.
The Stand Up America US Foundation has launched a demand by the people for the Red State Governors to be formed immediately, meet, and develop a strategic plan to save the Republic. It must be done now and well before the 2024 elections…READ MORE…
They all laughed; Do they realize that after President Trump, they're next?
You can bonk someone in the head and walk out of jail without posting a bond but for Trump, the rules are different. Rather than stand up to this injustice, the American media embraces it and applauds his loss of liberty.
Did I say the media moguls who laughed are idiots? I forgot my own rule, which holds that if I can see it from Poca, West Virginia, they know it in DC. They laughed because they know they have minders now.
He who laughs lasts.…READ MORE…
Understanding the Dual Military Framework of the United States
Understanding the dual military framework of the United States is essential for policymakers, military leaders, and the public alike.
Many people are unaware that the United States operates under two distinct military frameworks: Title 10 and Title 50. These titles, found in the United States Code, delineate the roles, responsibilities, and legal authorities of the military and intelligence communities, respectively. Understanding this dual framework is crucial for comprehending the complexities of national defense and security operations.
Title 10 of the United States Code primarily governs the roles and functions of the Department of Defense and the military branches, such as the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Marines. Under Title 10, the military is responsible for conducting combat operations, providing support to civil authorities, and maintaining readiness for a range of national security challenges.…READ MORE…
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