The Seed War: Understanding the Conflict Between Good and Evil in Genesis 3:15
Genesis 3:15, often called the “Protoevangelium,” is a foundational verse in Christian theology, announcing the first glimmer of hope after humanity’s fall into sin. This verse describes a cosmic conflict between the “seed” of the serpent and the “seed” of the woman, setting the stage for a battle that spans all of history. This “seed war” represents the ongoing struggle between good and evil, culminating in the victory of Christ over Satan. It reveals not only God’s plan for redemption but also humanity’s role in this great conflict. …READ MORE…
Will the World Survive? | Billy Graham Classic Sermon
Is the world coming to an end? In this 1985 sermon preached from Anaheim, California, Billy Graham answers this question based on what the Bible says. …WATCH HERE…
Angels in the Outfield
Someone emailed me and said I was an idiot. Which is true, but not for the reasons they cited.
“How can you believe in angels and still consider yourself a smart person?” the letter began. …READ MORE…
7 years tribulations? Myths to reality 5
Where and when does the 70th week fit?
This series of posts rests on what God says in Daniel 9 and is extracted from the texts of Revelation the Fair God, The Great Harvest of the Post-Allah World as well as The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and the biblical references therein.
As seen in post 4, the 70th week co-exists with the 69th; it is not tacked on at the chronological end of the 69th. …READ MORE…
The January Yuck
January. January is gloomy. If you live in central Alabama, temperatures range from absolute zero to the highest levels of Hades. I’m sure that the sun still shines in January, but I have no memory of it. January is the Monday of months. …READ MORE…
Highlights of the week; In 15 days, our long national nightmare finally ends and the Trump presidency resumes
ITEM 1: Clinton (a cop I follow on X) tweeted:
Jimmy Carter was asked once how he and his wife stayed so healthy. He said, “When we got married, we made a promise that when we argued, the loser had to run 5 miles. So, for 77 years, I ran 5 miles a day!”
Then he was asked, “So, how did Rosalyn stay so healthy?”
He said, “She followed me to make sure I actually ran it.”…READ MORE…
A Soldier’s Wake-Up Call: The Troubling Legacy of Matthew Livelsberger
In a tragic and chilling incident that has left the military and intelligence communities grappling for answers, Green Beret Matthew Alan Livelsberger, a decorated U.S. Army Special Forces soldier, died by suicide on January 1, 2025, in Las Vegas. In the days leading up to his death, Livelsberger sent a manifesto outlining alarming allegations about advanced drone technologies, war crimes, and a dire critique of U.S. leadership. The revelations have sparked widespread debate over his claims and the heavy burdens carried by modern warriors…READ MORE…
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