The Schadenfreude Edition: From ‘Broke Don’ to Bloomberg’s list of the world’s richest men
Biden gloated over the Trump team’s admission in a court filing that they had been unable to secure an appeal bond of $464 million to satisfy the judgment imposed by a New York Judge
After campaign finance reports released last week showed former President Donald Trump lagging far behind President Joe Biden in February donations and end-of-month cash reserves, the Biden campaign sent an email to supporters titled, “Not a Winning Campaign: Broke Don Hides in Basement.” It read: “Trump can’t raise money, isn’t campaigning, and is letting convicts and conspiracy theorists run his campaign.”
Speaking to supporters in Houston the next day, Biden joked, “I know not everyone’s feeling enthusiasm. The other day a defeated man … came up to me and said, Mr. President, I’m being crushed by debt, I’m completely wiped out. I had to say, ‘I’m sorry Donald, I can’t help you.’” …READ MORE…
Bidenomics, meet Biden diplomacy; He sent white women to talk down to black men in Africa. They kicked us out
Biden just got America kicked out of Niger, a nation of 25 million people north of Nigeria, itself nation of 215 million people. That may sound unimportant except Niger has uranium and having two U.S. military bases there helps in the battle against Muslim terrorists. Of course, having those bases along our border would stop more Muslim terrorists from entering America but that might interfere with pouring millions of Future Democrat Voters into the USA.
The Wall Street Journal said, “Niger’s decision to end its counterterrorism alliance with Washington came after senior U.S. officials accused the country’s ruling junta of secretly exploring a deal to allow Iran access to its uranium reserves, Nigerien and U.S. officials say.…READ MORE…
The Government has Gotten so Comfortable with Lies They Take to it Like Fish to Water: there is Seemingly no Relief or Recourse (Part 2)
With Liars on Both Sides of the Aisle and Champions in the LSMBTGA, We Should Celebrate and Embarrass the Worst
A number of my friends and relatives find it somewhat “precious” for me to be-in effect-bashing and bad mouthing something I was a part of for the better part of 44 years-but it really is a continuation of my complaints about this topic during the time I served.
The oath of office means something to me and when I see our top government officials lying and violating their oaths-from the president on down-it should be called out-and we-as taxpayers funding their salaries should call it out to our elected representatives…READ MORE…
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