The Return of Trial by Ordeal
The principle of being guilty until proven innocent is the foundation for trial by ordeal, and its close cousin trial by combat.
“Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent or the righteous, for I will not acquit the guilty.” (Exodus 23:7 NASB) Too often, commentators of this Biblical passage hold to the idea that God will judge the priests if they condemn the innocent. Rather, I would submit that the passage indicates that the priests should lean towards the presumption of innocence of an accused. Failing to find sufficient evidence, the accused should be released because God will ultimately hold them accountable if they were truly guilty.
I would contend that this passage, and several others like them in the Bible, is the origin of our legal principle of innocent until proven guilty…READ MORE…
Part 4: How Civil War 2.0 would begin; The Looming Threat of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP): A Modern Concern
The world today faces a looming threat that transcends traditional notions of warfare and conflict: the electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Originating from high-altitude nuclear tests like Starfish Prime in 1962, EMPs have the potential to wreak havoc on electronic and communication systems across vast distances. The effects of Starfish Prime were felt over hundreds to thousands of miles, impacting regions as far as Hawaii, approximately 900 miles away from the epicenter. Despite most electronics recovering after initial disruptions, the lasting implications of EMPs remain a cause for concern.
One of the critical factors contributing to the severity of EMP threats is their indiscriminate nature. Unlike conventional weapons that target specific locations or populations, EMPs can affect a wide array of electronic devices and infrastructure systems simultaneously…READ MORE…
A Day in the Life of a Customer: How customers/clients can push back on the leftist woke language and virtue signaling.
Leftist activists have browbeaten companies into inserting political points into business presentations, while distorting science and good sense.
Like many of you, I both attend and lead many a presentation. Some are sales-focused, some are just project updates; some are intended to be educational.
One of the more disturbing things I’ve noticed throughout my career has been how political points creep into such presentations.
Sometimes it’s formal –
“this is the company-mandated slide on diversity hiring.” Sometimes it’s more subtle – “Here are some interesting statistics about our business: so many sites, so many employees, so many solar panels”
- and so forth…READ MORE…
Modern Notions of Invasion: Addressing the Complexities of Asylum Seekers and National Security
In the past, the idea of invasion often conjured images of military forces storming beaches or crossing borders in overt acts of aggression.
In the past, the idea of invasion often conjured images of military forces storming beaches or crossing borders in overt acts of aggression. However, in contemporary times, the concept of invasion has taken on a more nuanced and multifaceted meaning, especially concerning the issue of asylum seekers and national security.
Historically, invasion has been a pivotal aspect of warfare and geopolitical conflicts. Examples such as the D-Day invasion during World War II, where Allied forces landed on Normandy beaches to liberate Europe from Nazi occupation, epitomize the traditional understanding of invasion as a military maneuver with clear objectives and adversaries.
In today's context, the notion of invasion has expanded to encompass various forms of threats and challenges. One prominent aspect is the issue of asylum seekers, individuals who flee their countries due to persecution, violence, or humanitarian crises. While many asylum seekers genuinely seek refuge and a better life, there are concerns about potential security risks posed by individuals who may exploit asylum systems for malicious purposes…READ MORE…
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