The Real Reason For The Hunter Trial
The trial is not about Hunter’s illegal purchase of a gun. The trial exists only so Democrats can say, see, no one is above the law not even the president’s son
Vivek Ramaswamy tweeted, “The Hunter Biden trial is a smokescreen. It’s designed to make the prosecution of Trump appear nonpartisan, yet the outcome of the Hunter trial doesn’t matter because Joe Biden can & will pardon him. The trial’s timing is no coincidence: right after the Trump conviction, but set to finish before Joe Biden leaves the White House.”
Ramaswamy, how I love him, how I love him, my Ramaswamy. He chewed Nikki up like bubblegum and spit her out in a debate.
His take on this trial is a little short of the green. Yes, it is a smokescreen designed to legitimize that dog-and-pony show in New York…READ MORE…
Whenever There Is a Truth You Cannot Tell, That Is a Truth You Must Tell!
Heaven forfend, people with too much information might think for themselves, and reach conclusions the left does not like.
The Tennessean is Nashville, Tennessee's premier newspaper, at least if anyone can call anything owned by USA Todaypremier anything. In my fairly frequent attention to what passes for journalism these days, I have coined the word journolism, based on JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their objectivity. And it seems that there has been some real journolism happening at Nashville's newspaper. A site search for Audrey Hale, the Covenant School transgender mass murderer, turned up relatively little recent news, and nothing on Miss Hale's 'writings' prior to the shootings.…READ MORE…
Why Europe Deserves to Die, Part Deux
Cancer can be treated, like Muslim immigration, up to a point. Then, it’s too late. Sadly, this patient – Europe - deserves to die.
2005 I wrote “Why Europe Deserves To Die.” Back then, the new Pope and I agreed Europe had to recover its Christian roots “if it truly wants to survive.” In 2024 the prognosis of a slow, painful death remains. The lethal Muslim population bomb won’t explode with a bang. It's more like a cancer metastasizing. The cancer can be treated, like Muslim immigration, up to a point. Then, it’s too late. Sadly, this patient – Europe - deserves to die.
Europeans deserve their fate for several reasons.…READ MORE…
Parillo Examines Federalist 11 and 12
John Parillo discusses Federalist 11 and 12, where the emphasis changes from personal liberty to economics, including taxation.
With Federalist 11, the emphasis switches from Madison’s discussion on the preservation of liberty from a democracy back to economics. Hamilton believed that a new united republic would be in a better position to trade with Europe than would the individual states. He anticipates the creation of a navy whose role would be to protect that trade.…READ MORE…
The Ironic Epidemic of Trump Devotion Syndrome
In the end, the irony of "Trump Devotion Syndrome" is a lesson in the dangers of unchecked allegiance. It underscores the need for critical thinking and the ability to question one's own beliefs.
In the ever-polarized landscape of American politics, the term "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS) has been flung around with abandon. Initially, it was meant to describe those whose opposition to Donald Trump bordered on hysteria. But the irony is palpable when one observes the fervor of Trump's most ardent supporters. These individuals, consumed by their emotional allegiance, often ignore critical facts, falling prey to a phenomenon they themselves might call mass psychosis…READ MORE…
Democracy May Die In Darkness, But The Washington Post Dies Because of Sunlight.
The Washington Post, like many papers, is dying. Not because of the format, but for the content.
I was reading an article on the resignation of Sally Buzbee as the managing editor of The Washington Puke, err Polk. She's held the job for three years and is not enthused with the way things are going in the future. The powers that be in the Post want to reorganize the "news" of the paper into three sections, with more video reporting and artificial intelligence (One would hope it replace the natural stupidity of the staff, but that remains to be seen.)…READ MORE…
Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Vol II - Episode 84: Borders and Aides, Slavers and Holidays, and Tex-Mex Chicken Soup
Joe Buckstop, an aging, corrupt old fool, somehow becomes president in his basement, and every night, an aide has to bring him his soup and discuss the events of the day as he prepares to receive his nightly meds...
In today’s episode, Joe Buckstop, still early in his first year in office, is agonizing over the mess at the border and the declaration of Juneteenth as a federal holiday.
Borders and Aides, Slavers and Holidays, and Tex-Mex Chicken Soup
Dateline: June 17. Begin Transcript:
"Are you down here, boss?"
"Huh? What's that?"
"Good enough. I'll keep on hobbling."
"Who's there?"
"Just a minute, just a minute... I'll be down in a minute, boss..."
"Oh. What are you doing down here?"…READ MORE…
Pride and Rebellion: The Demonic Spirit of Pride
In contemporary society, the concept of pride has taken on new dimensions, particularly with the advent of Pride Month.
In Christian theology, Satan's pride is often cited as the catalyst for his rebellion against God. According to biblical narratives, Satan, originally an angel named Lucifer, was consumed by pride and sought to elevate himself above God. This hubris led to his downfall and expulsion from heaven. This story serves as a profound lesson on the dangers of excessive pride and the consequences of defying divine authority.
In contemporary society, the concept of pride has taken on new dimensions, particularly with the advent of Pride Month. While originally intended to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community's struggles and achievements, Pride Month has, for some, become a point of contention. Many Christians feel that the overt displays and celebrations during Pride Month can sometimes mock or challenge their religious beliefs and values, creating a cultural clash.…READ MORE…
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