The Real American National Security Threat
The U.S. faces a future where its biggest threat isn't external enemies but internal fiscal recklessness and the loss of dollar hegemony.
Forget cyber attacks, terrorism, or even those pesky UFOs. The greatest national security threat to the United States is far more mundane yet catastrophic: the collapse of the almighty dollar under its monumental debt and the ascendant BRICS nations eyeing the throne of the world’s reserve currency. Yes, the financial boogeyman is real, and it's lurking in the shadows of our own economic mismanagement…READ MORE…
Hail Mary: The Greatest Political Comeback In American History
We Could Have Two In The Offing. Be Afraid, Be very Afraid
If Donald Trump pulls off a successful campaign for president in 2024, it would be the greatest comeback in American political history. Never mind defeating the Biden Administration ongoing lawfare against his candidacy.…READ MORE…
NIMBY! Don't Build Your Damned Solar Farm Next To My Neighborhood!
So, with so many, many people on the liberal side of the political spectrum, you'd think that Lexingtonians would support Mr Biden's policies, right?
Lexington/Fayette County, Kentucky, was one of the only two, out of 120, counties in the Bluegrass State to cast a majority of their ballots in 2020 for Joe Biden. The good people of Lexington -- the city comprises the entire county -- gave 90,600 votes, 59.25% of the total, to Sundowner Joe, compared to 58,860, or 38.49%, to President Donald Trump. That was a slightly higher percentage for Mr Biden than the Commonwealth's largest city/county, Louisville/Jefferson County's 58.87%.
So, with so many, many people on the liberal side of the political spectrum, you'd think that Lexingtonians would support Mr Biden's policies, right?…READ MORE…
The WEF's New Manifesto: Own Nothing, Be Happy, and Wash Your Clothes Once a Month
This time, the benevolent overlords of Davos have decided to weigh in on our laundry habits. Yes, you heard that right.
Welcome to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) latest installment of "We Know What's Best for You." This time, the benevolent overlords of Davos have decided to weigh in on our laundry habits. Yes, you heard that right. The same folks who want you to own nothing and be happy now suggest you wash your clothes as infrequently as possible. Apparently, conserving water and saving the planet trumps personal hygiene. So, say goodbye to fresh laundry every week and hello to musty wardrobes!…READ MORE
Clarence Thomas v. Joe Biden
The prosecution of a former president is a very serious matter that Democrats have turned into a circus. Enter Justice Clarence Thomas.
In New York, Democrats made paying off an extortionist a 34-count felony indictment. The trial was so bizarre that I want a DNA test to determine whether Judge Merchan is a homo sapien or indeed a kangaroo.
But, this decision and Biden’s post-debate collapse in the polls have forced Democrats to postpone their sentencing of President Trump. Merchan just told Trump see you in September, which was music to his ears.
Clearly, the witch hunts failed miserably, forcing Democrats to re-assess their situation. Merchan does only what his party bosses tell him to do. It’s a New York thing.…READ MORE…
The Dark History of North Fox Island: A Stain on Lake Michigan
While islands are often romanticized as secluded paradises, they have frequently been exploited for nefarious activities, hidden from the prying eyes of society.
North Fox Island, a 428-acre expanse in Lake Michigan, stands as a paradox of natural beauty and dark history. While islands are often romanticized as secluded paradises, they have frequently been exploited for nefarious activities, hidden from the prying eyes of society. North Fox Island, in particular, harbors a grim past, having been the setting for some of the most heinous crimes imaginable, including illegal activities and pedophile rings. The island’s history serves as a haunting reminder of the evil that can thrive in isolation…READ MORE…
Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Vol II - Episode 92: Beef, Leather, Russians, and Rassolnik Soup
Joe Buckstop, an aging, corrupt old fool, somehow becomes president in his basement, and every night, an aide has to bring him his soup and discuss the events of the day as he prepares to receive his nightly meds...
Beef, Leather, Russians, and Rassolnik Soup
Dateline: July 2. Begin Transcript:
"Hey boss, you awake down there?"
"Of course I'm awake! This is a basement, not a bedroom! Who's asking?"
"It's the NKVD, they're here to see if your papers are in order!"
"Huh? Who's that? Nothing's in order... This office isn't clean enough for an audit! I need time to prepare! Where's my staff? Why wasn't I told about this? Man, you'd think I'd have a little warning for a thing like that... what papers are they looking for?"
"Oh, boss, come on... I'm just kidding! Just killing time as I hobble down the stairs with your soup."…READ MORE…
Satire: Here is a top-ten list Democrats’ might want to consider in replacing Biden
The debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump made it painfully clear what everyone paying attention already knew. Without the teleprompter, Biden looked frail, confused and sounded flustered, while having difficulty maintaining focus proving he is not up to serving four more years in office. So now what? …READ MORE…
John Parillo On: Federalist 56 and 57
John Parillo explores more on the unique nature of our Lower House, The People's House
Last week we explored the question of how many people are necessary to avoid tyranny. Madison was answering the concern that a small group of people could be persuaded to pursue self-interest rather than that of the entire nation. And worse, that a small group of people could be tempted to become tyrannical, to believe that the population exists for their own good rather than the representatives existing for the good of their constituents. Madison argues that the larger House of Representatives possesses a sufficient number of people to make it difficult for it to be manipulated…READ MORE…
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