The Great Walz of China
Money matters to Xi and Walz was a faithful servant in opposing Trump’s tariffs, better than say Walz’s service in the Global War On Terrorism
When last I looked, the media’s fact-checkers were in moon suits cleaning up on Aisle Tim (which stocks tampons, but not eyeliner) over his decades-long lies about serving in combat, suddenly retiring to avoid deployment, and later saying of guns, “We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.”
Walz never carried anything in a war, not even a pencil.…READ MORE…
Trump Accuses Kamala Harris of Pushing 'Communist' Economic Policies in Fiery Pennsylvania Rally
Former President Donald Trump launched a fierce critique on Saturday against Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent economic proposals, accusing her of adopting extreme socialist policies…READ MORE…
Enough with the attacks on Trump, America needs his leadership now more than ever
Memo to conservative writers: You’re starting to sound like press secretaries for the Harris campaign. Every op-ed contains the same three elements: former President Donald Trump must start talking about the issues, he shouldn’t have told ABC News correspondent Rachel Scott at the National Association of Black Journalists conference that Vice President Kamala Harris wasn’t always black, and…READ MORE…
Truth is the First Casualty of…Unchecked Power
Three years after the US’s catastrophic run from Afghanistan, most Americans have no clue what happened. No one has stood up and taken responsibility…READ MORE…
Two Totalitarianisms Destroying the UK
Americans, keep your eyes on the UK. The suppression of free speech and assembly applied selectively is coming here…READ MORE…
Israeli Drone Strike Eliminates Senior Hamas Operatives in Jenin Amid Escalating West Bank Tensions
The strike targeted two Hamas operatives, Ahmed Abu Ara and Raafat Dawasi, who were identified as key figures in recent attacks, including a deadly shooting in the Jordan Valley that claimed the life of 23-year-old Yonatan Deutsch and left another civilian injured…READ MORE…
And There Will be Joy
Leftist totalitarians have always tried to create joy in the minds and hearts of their slaves…READ MORE…
The Decline of Provocative Instruction in Higher Education
One of the major flaws in our current university and higher education systems is the elimination of provocative instructional methods, such as playing the devil's advocate, due to fears of lawsuits and backlash…READ MORE…
Living Behind Enemy Lines, Tale #6: Child Abuse In Portland Schools
Portland’s school children are being abused emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even physically in some cases. Rochelle’s kids experienced this at both a public & a private school. This mother’s story in her own words…READ MORE…
The Battle for Minds: How Nefarious Actors Thrive on Ambiguity and Division
In today's complex social and political landscape, nefarious actors have found fertile ground in creating and exploiting ambiguity. These individuals and groups thrive on the confusion they sow, pushing societal boundaries to the point where even those considered “normal” begin to question the legitimacy and direction of cultural movements…READ MORE…
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