The Global Madness Must Stop!
Nothing the government does makes sense anymore. The government is preparing us for something.
Millions of people have seen and heard the madness and some are still struggling to make sense of it. But change is in the air. Conversations across the country are beginning to take up the topic. Governments are imposing irrational limitations on domestic oil production and pipelines, as well as outlawing coal, natural gas appliances, and gas-powered automobiles. The Democrats think it's okay to purchase expensive foreign oil, transport it across the ocean using a massive amount of fuel oil, and expend an enormous amount of carbon emissions. How do you square that with all their environmental concerns?
Strange goings on have been our acquaintance for almost four years now…READ MORE…
West Point Weddings, Part 1: Prelude
Part one of a three part series about one of the most unique experiences in American Military Life, West Point Weddings.
I graduated from the United Military Academy in May, 1980. Many of my classmates got married shortly after, as matrimony was not allowed for cadets. It was an unusual feeling hanging around the base as a Lieutenant after so many restrictions of the previous four years. Amid the myriad tasks of onward movement to our futures, many of the class were involved in marriage ceremonies. Roles varied from active participation, member of the marriage party, or as a guest. Some assumed more than one activity as the days progressed.
A friend, Paul, from my local area was getting married near his home. I and many others attended and really celebrated the event. After the reception, some of us continued to a nearby nightspot called “The Rafters” for more festivities. On the way there, I decided to race another motorist in my 1979 Mustang. That car was built wrong and I couldn’t overtake the other fellow. Almost too late, I realized that my lane ended-being blocked by a cement barrier. My passenger became aware of this situation before I did. I can still recall him bracing himself for impact and making alarming noises…READ MORE…
A 40,000 Dow and a Reality Check
Has the Left ever been so excited? The Dow just touched 40,000! A new record!
The Left believes this means that the economy is doing great. We’re not in a recession, they figure, because the Dow is climbing!
It’s nice seeing them happy about good business news, for once, rather than salivating over the potential destruction of Israel, the potential incarceration of President Trump, or the potential transition of thousands of troubled children into permanently disfigured, permanently impotent patients.
So much that animates the Left these days is dependent on the destruction of something good, so their joy at economic vitality is a welcome change.
Unfortunately, in this case, their confidence in an economic recovery is premature…READ MORE…
Ukraine May Be Lost
The narrative for the media this week is that Ukraine may be lost. But bribes paid and supplies depleted mean FJB's mission is accomplished.
The narrative for the media this week is that Ukraine may be lost.
BBC reported, “The former commander of the UK’s Joint Forces Command has warned that Ukraine could face defeat by Russia in 2024.
“General Sir Richard Barrons has told the BBC there is a serious risk of Ukraine losing the war this year.”
Barrons is a veteran of “The Troubles” (Britain’s fight with Irish terrorists), Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Iraq. You know what? For a time of peace, we sure have a lot of wars…READ MORE…
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How true, and how very sobering.