The Founding Fathers would be proud
In 10 days, The Donald returns bringing peace and prosperity with him
The Founding Fathers would be proud; In 10 days, The Donald returns bringing peace and prosperity with him
The Declaration of Independence ended, “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Money they had. After the war, many did not. For example, during the Revolutionary War, George Washington lost half his fortune. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Reporter confronts LA mayor on fire prevention, overseas trip
Fox News contributor Leo Terrell joined ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss how DEI has impacted the state’s ability to prevent and respond to wildfires and why he blames their far-left policies for the devastation. #FoxNews. …WATCH HERE…
Operation Canadian Freedom: Bringing Democracy, Maple Syrup, and 10 New Stars to the Flag
Folks, the time has come to extend the warm, sticky embrace of freedom to our polite but tragically misgoverned neighbors to the north. Yes, I’m talking about Canada, the land of maple syrup, hockey, and people who apologize when you bump into them. Operation Canadian Freedom is not just a campaign—it’s a moral imperative. Why let all that syrupy goodness, delicious poutine, and their mysterious “Canadian bacon” remain trapped under the tyranny of, uh, universal healthcare and Justin Trudeau? It’s time to liberate Canada and welcome it into the fold as America’s newest and tastiest states. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Judge Merchan is ‘desperate’ to sentence Trump, Katie Cherkasky argue
Former federal prosecutor Katie Cherkasky weighs in after President-elect Trump filed an emergency petition asking the U.S. Supreme Court to block the sentencing in his New York criminal trial. #FoxNews …WATCH HERE…
What The Left Didn’t Count On
People around the world, especially here in America, have witnessed one of the greatest reversals in history. We have produced and lived the cancellation of a revolution, a revolution to undermine and destroy the greatest nation in world history.
The Election of 2024 was that reversal. …READ MORE…
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