The FBI Arrests a Terrorist, and I Have Questions
Last week Merrick Garland announced the arrest of 18-year-old Idaho resident Alexander Scott Mercurio.
Mercurio is accused of being a loyal follower of ISIS and preparing to attack Idaho churches. I’m a resident of Idaho. It is my community that the feds supposedly protected with Mercurio’s arrest. But given recent events, I responded to his arrest with more curiosity than gratitude. Mercurio might be a terrorist, or he might be a useful idiot – used by the DOJ to juice up their “homegrown domestic threat” narrative. That my mind went to that question, is an indication of the DOJ’s lost trust.
Given that I live in the same state as Mercurio, I’m among the defendant’s supposed “peers.” I have not – and probably will not – follow his case closely. Under normal circumstances, I would be an ideal disinterested juror – though this article will certainly eliminate that possibility. If I were to find myself on the jury, I would have questions that the prosecution would need to answer. It should not escape prosecution lawyers that a single person like myself could prevent a guilty verdict if these questions are left unanswered.…READ MORE…
The Absurdity of Anti-Manliness: Embracing Peeing While Standing
In this era of over-the-top political correctness, it's time to reclaim and celebrate what it truly means to be a man.
In today's increasingly woke world, where every aspect of life seems to be scrutinized through the lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), the concept of traditional manliness has come under fire. According to some vocal critics of masculinity, being a manly man is deemed "toxic" and antiquated. However, in this era of over-the-top political correctness, it's time to reclaim and celebrate what it truly means to be a man.
One of the most absurd arguments put forth by the anti-manliness brigade is that real men should pee sitting down. Yes, you read that right. Apparently, the act of standing while urinating is now seen as a symbol of toxic masculinity. The reasoning behind this baffling notion? Well, according to these critics, standing to pee reinforces gender stereotypes and is somehow disrespectful to those who don't conform to traditional gender roles…READ MORE…
Echoes of History: Exploring the Name 'Iran,' Aryan Connections to Nazi Germany
The official adoption of the name "Iran" took place in 1935 under the rule of Reza Shah Pahlavi, marking a significant shift in the country's identity.
The name "Iran" holds a fascinating historical connection to the concept of the Aryan race, although the association has been widely misunderstood and misinterpreted over time. The official adoption of the name "Iran" took place in 1935 under the rule of Reza Shah Pahlavi, marking a significant shift in the country's identity. The term "Iran" itself is derived from the Old Persian term "Aryānām," which means "Land of the Aryans" or "Land of the Noble Ones." This naming decision was influenced by a desire to emphasize Iran's historical and cultural heritage as the homeland of the Iranian people.
Adolf Hitler's fascination with the occult and the myth of a super race of Aryans led to expeditions and research aimed at uncovering ancient Aryan history and symbols. One such symbol is the swastika, which has origins in Aryan history and was later adopted by the Nazi regime as a symbol of their ideology…READ MORE…
A Celebrity Circus Replaced America’s 1776 Royal Flush
“Celebrity is the chastisement of merit and the punishment of talent.”
~Emily Dickinson
On July 4th, Americans participate in patriotic activities such as fireworks, barbeques, and roasting the British. The routine posting of memes reminds us of why we celebrate Independence Day: we did not want or need a King and will go to extremes to ensure we win…READ MORE…
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