The Condescending Karens of Suburbia
Who’s the winner in the Alma contest of vapidity coupled with selfishness? Why, it is the upper middle class housewives of suburbia, that’s who.
I have thought many times, about which is the worst group of misinformed people in this country. People not out protesting or causing damage, like the thugs in the first paragraph, but people who think they are superior to the rest of the country, especially us rubes in small towns and the countryside. It’s not an easy decision, for all the afore named groups could easily be number one in being dumb, clueless, just downright ignernt, as Dizzy Dean would have said.
Then I realized there was a group left out that have to be the most vapid of the lot, and they are truly the most clueless of all when it comes to reality. Who’s the winner in the Alma contest of doofuses? Why, it is the upper middle class housewives of suburbia, that’s who…READ MORE…
MAGA Hats: The Ultimate Jury Duty Escape Plan
Jury Duty is the civic obligation that transforms the most steadfast patriots into master strategists of avoidance. Enter: the MAGA hat
In the grand theater of life, few roles are as dreaded as the joy of jury duty. It’s the civic obligation that transforms the most steadfast patriots into master strategists of avoidance. While some conjure elaborate tales of hardship or feign extreme biases, there's a new, surefire way to get the boot without breaking a sweat: don a MAGA hat. Yes, the iconic red cap has become the modern-day talisman for dodging the judicial bullet…READ MORE…
Democrats’ gaslighting takes a new and disturbing turn
Team Trump: Biden campaign "offers ridiculous claims that anyone who clearly sees Biden acting like a brain-dead dope is part of some media-wide conspiracy.”
Overcome with Trump Derangement Syndrome after the brash billionaire from New York launched his candidacy in June 2015, the Left threw out the playbook for how political campaigns should be run. Although politicians have been fighting dirty throughout history, up until then, most had managed to stay within the bounds of decency and the limitations of the law.
The 2016 launch of the Steele dossier, a collection of derogatory and fictional stories about former President Donald Trump designed to derail his candidacy and then to sabotage his presidency, marked the end of traditional electioneering in the U.S. and the normalization of Soviet-style campaign tactics.…READ MORE…
Part 3 – There Is a Path Back to Federal Accountability
In Part 2 we examined how accountability has failed for the federal government. In this part we will address a path forward.
Boeing is in the news recently as another organization which has lost its way. A consensus is forming that the legendary aircraft manufacturer let DEI pursuits distract it from its primary mission – with disastrous consequences. According to whistleblowers, the Boeing culture has shifted from an expectation of excellence, to an acceptance of sloppiness. But even if the company were to announce a complete abandonment of social engineering pursuits immediately, the culture which allowed its quality issues to fester would persist.
Boeing’s quality system will fail to detect or correct quality issues, and planes will continue to fly with defects, so long as employees aren’t incentivized for quality. Boeing’s culture can only be healed by addressing the failure points in its accountability systems first. When people are held accountable for doing the right thing, the preferred behavior will become the norm. Over time, pride in workmanship will become the culture again…READ MORE…
Federalist 29-32-The Militia and Power of the States
Hamilton once again delves into power of the States vis a vis the Federal Government and outlines the importance of the militia.
It is clear in reading these last few Federalist Papers that Hamilton was aware that the citizens of the various states were clearly concerned about the existence of a standing army. In Federalist 29 Hamilton anticipates the existence of state militias that would exist as a check against the power of the federal government.
In addition to the standing federal army, Publius believes in the existence of a state level militia. His understanding of this concept, would consist largely of a group of officers appointed at the state level…READ MORE…
A Crisis the Democrats Didn't Let Go to Waste; How the Great Depression Turned America Socialist
Ah, the Great Depression—a crisis so grand, the Democrats couldn't resist the opportunity to reshape America into their vision of a socialist utopia. When the stock market crashed in 1929, it wasn't just the economy that crumbled; it was the very idea of what it meant to be a free American. By 1933 and 1934, with FDR's New Deal, the government seized the moment to meddle in everything, from agriculture to our basic freedoms…READ MORE…
Up is Down, Left is Right: The Propaganda of Opposites
If you see anything coming out of establishment media, most politicians or main stream organizations, simply invert the primary idea and you will get closer to the truth.
A recent Biden-Harris campaign post stated that Trump wants to arrest his opponents. Of course, many have noted that these people seem to have no sense of self-awareness. But this isn’t the real problem.
What we are seeing today en masse is the Propaganda of Opposites…READ MORE…
Lawfare & the Persecution of the Political Opposition
For the first time in American history, a sitting president has approved and presided over the prosecution and conviction of his chief political rival
Kim Dae-Jung, Jose Napoleon Duarte, & Donald Trump.
What do these three men have in common?
Other than the fact that they once led their nations, all three were prosecuted and convicted during show trials of bogus crimes by the reigning governments of their respective nations.
Two were sentenced to death—Kim Dae-jung of South Korea and José Napoleón Duarte of El Salvador. One, Donald Trump faces up to 20 years in prison if leftist Judge Juan Merchan throws the book at him during sentencing on July 11…READ MORE…
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