The Boy Scouts of America are no more.
In a total surrender to the cult of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, the woke kingpins who control that organization decided to take the “Boy” out of Boy Scouts & change its name to “Scouting America"
Roger A. Krone, president and chief executive officer of Scouting America, said, "Though our name will be new, our mission remains unchanged: we are committed to teaching young people to be Prepared for life. This will be a simple but important evolution as we seek to ensure everyone feels welcome in Scouting."…READ MORE…
Concerns Over Democrats' Decision to Introduce a 60-Home Ghetto in Hillman, Michigan
This article is about the impact on a small town by the unconstitutional, Federal action of dumping illegal aliens in small communities that also happen to be conservative voters. All politics is indeed, local
The recent decision by local Democrats to introduce a 60-home ghetto to the small town of Hillman in Northeast Lower Michigan has sparked significant concerns and raised questions about its potential impact on the local community. Hillman, with its 700 rural residents, is among the poorest counties in the state and is known for its solid red conservative values and resilient population. However, the sudden influx of illegal alien families, without adequate consideration for the town's capacity, raises serious issues that could have severe secondary and tertiary effects…READ MORE…
Industrial Policy: China Versus the United States By Barry Poulson
Former President Donald Trump has promised to increase levies on Chinese EVs that would virtually preclude them from the U.S.
Industrial policy is at the center of the growing conflict between China and the United States. Both countries have enacted economic policies designed to protect domestic industries, including subsidies, tariffs, and other protectionist measures. Both countries have entered into regional trade agreements designed to shift supply chains toward their allies. The outcome of these industrial policies is trade diversion rather than trade creation. Geo-economic fragmentation of trade is estimated to reduce global output by 12 percent.
When we shift our focus to industrial policy at the industry level a different picture emerges…READ MORE…
We don't want journalism back
We don't want journalism back; America does not need a cabal of pencil-necked geeks deciding which is right and which is an illusion
We don't want journalism back; America does not need a cabal of pencil-necked geeks deciding which is right and which is an illusion
Journalists abandoned objectivity, throwing that precious shield from charges of bias just to spite Donald Trump. People outside of its hard core readers have found new sources of information, largely through Twitter. Journalists can throw temper tantrums on the floor about misinformation all they want, but after the media promoted the Fake Covid Vaccine and ridiculous masks, most people no longer believe them nor should they…READ MORE…
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