The Border Crisis Continues
Texas is the final frontier against organized crime by Mexican cartels earning millions of dollars smuggling drugs and people across our southern border.
Biden’s gang is profiting, too, or they would do something about it. Some are even crossing illegally from Canada, but our focus is on the Southern border of Arizona, California, and particularly Texas because it is there that Texas Governor Greg Abbott, realizing his duty to protect Texans, uses the Constitution to take a stand against the Democrat tyranny changing America. He’s doing what Biden’s gang refuses to do: protecting America from invasion…READ MORE…
Is Trust Gone?
In these troubled times, it is disconcerting to find that too many people have no idea what is going on around them. They assume too much. They trust without bothering to know why. Leaders with familiar and unfamiliar faces plan their corruption, while too many never look up. Whether they realize it or not, they live by the code: 'What you don't know can't hurt you.' Far from the truth.
In the meantime, corrupt globalists, both in politics and business, are making their plans, not for good but for evil. Their priority is no longer what is best for their respective countries but what is best for themselves…READ MORE…
Wealth and War: The Role of Wealthy Individuals in the Civil War
During the U.S. Civil War, the role of wealthy individuals in raising and equipping military forces played a significant but complex role. Wealthy individuals who could afford to equip a force of approximately 100 men often sought commissions as military officers, leading to a diverse landscape of independent units and formations within both the Confederate and Union armies.
In the Confederate States, the early stages of the war saw a surge in wealthy individuals raising and commanding their own units. These units, known as independent companies or battalions, were often equipped and funded by the individual officers themselves…READ MORE…
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