Sweet Home Alabama & the Army-Navy Game: A story of a decades-old military academy rivalry coupled with good, old-fashioned, Southern Patriotism
Editor’s Note: Today at 3:00PM EST, West Point Cadets and Annapolis Midshipmen will meet for the 125th time. More so than The Super Bowl, the Army-Navy classic is truly America’s football game. Two groups of patriotic American warriors in training, meet every year to duke it out on the “fields of friendly strife.” But, as hard fought as that game is and despite the inter-service jibes going back and forth in the weeks leading up to it, upon graduation, these great Americans will serve together in harm’s way, united as one team in defending this great thing we call, These United States of America.
Merry Mythmas: How Christians Cheerfully Embrace Materialism, Marketing, and Magic Each Year
Ah, Christmas. The season of joy, peace, and the occasional frantic dash to Walmart for last-minute stocking stuffers. For Christians, it’s supposed to be about celebrating the birth of Jesus, the Savior of humanity. Instead, we’ve traded Bethlehem for the mall and the manger for a magical demon doll named “Elf on the Shelf.” We’ve become so caught up in glittery distractions that the true meaning of the season has been buried under mountains of wrapping paper and debt. Is it time we had a heart-to-heart with ourselves about the madness we embrace every December?…READ MORE…
WATCH: Senate Republicans acknowledge pressure campaign over cabinet picks
Senate Republicans including Lisa Murkowski and Thom Tillis are publicly acknowledging the pressure campaign President-elect Trump and his allies are waging about some of his controversial cabinet picks.…WATCH HERE…
When the Clock Starts on the Second Trump Administration
President Trump is looking forward to four good years of whirlwind accomplishments. He has a lot on his agenda, and he can’t wait to get into it.
But we might say, as we do when anyone runs a marathon, “you have 26 miles to go; pace yourself.”…READ MORE…
What Happened to Sean?
I’ve been receiving lots of urgent emails. “Where are your stories on Facebook, Sean!?” one email reads.
“Sean, you’re not on Facebook, are you in a coma?!” “Sean! Our pills are guaranteed to enhance your love life, call today!”…READ MORE…
Kash Patel “Knows Where The Bodies Are Buried”
Kashyap Pramod Patel, Trump’s pick to lead the FBI, is meeting Republican senators on Capitol Hill this week. Patel was tapped by President-Elect Trump to shake up the FBI management, end corruption and return the FBI to its original mission: non-partisan criminal investigations. During Trump 45, Patel exposed Spygate and the Russia Collusion Hoax. During Trump 47, Patel will be turning over more rocks, exposing more snakes. THAT is why the Deep State is so afraid of him. THAT is why FBI Director Christopher Wray is quitting.…READ MORE…
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