Ah, evolution—the idea that humans are constantly “improving” over time, ascending to some Darwinian Mount Olympus of perfection. Yet here we are in 2024, armed with miraculous modern medicine but still grappling with a genetic deck that’s fraying at the edges. Down syndrome, caused by an extra chromosome 21, is just one glaring example of how the human genome is not some flawless, self-upgrading operating system. Instead of evolving, it seems like our genetic code is more akin to Windows ME—buggy, outdated, and occasionally crashing spectacularly. …READ MORE…
To My Blind Dog
I am not sure whether you understand English, but I’d like to think you do.
I’d like to think that you know exactly what I’m saying to you. I’d like to think I speak fluent dog.
Heaven knows, I speak to you non-stop. Because you’re blind. Because you need me to keep talking. When I talk to you, you don’t feel so disconnected. That way you’re always part of what’s going on. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Military expert reveals the ‘name of the game’ to defeat Hamas in the next four years
Retired U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Rob Spalding joins ‘Cavuto Live’ to break down the latest fallout occurring in Middle East as revel groups overthrow the Assad regime. #foxnews …WATCH HERE…
Politically, We are Now in Our Most Dangerous Time
Yes, Trump’s victory, along with many other Republicans down-ticket, was tremendous and desperately needed. But right now, we are facing a time more dangerous than if Aunt Kami or Uncle Joe had won the election. …READ MORE…
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