Daylight Savings Time (DST) is one of the most pointless and disruptive rituals modern society clings to, and it’s high time the Trump administration brings this stupidity to a screeching halt. What started as a half-baked energy-saving idea has devolved into an outdated, costly, and downright dangerous exercise in futility. And if any administration is bold enough to call it out for the nonsense it is, it’s the one that’s made “draining the swamp” its calling card. Let’s drain this clock-swapping swamp while we’re at it. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Head of Russia’s nuclear defense forces killed in Moscow blast, Ukraine says they did it
The head of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense Forces, Lt. General Igor Kirillov, has been killed in an explosion in Moscow with Ukrainian security sources telling CBS News they were behind the assassination. CBS News reporter Haley Ott has more. …WATCH HERE…
January 6, 2021: FBI Planted 200+Agents In US Capitol
After almost four years lying to We The People, the corrupt FBI has admitted that they had 26 spies and provocateurs in and around the US Capitol building on January 6, 2021. The US House and US Senate were preparing to NOT certify the fraudulent election results and begin an investigation, which the DC Swamp creatures could not allow. They are lying again! There were far, far more than just 26 spies to escort Trump supporters into and around the building. Below is a link to two interviews Tucker Carlson did with Americans who know what really happened. …READ MORE…
A Christmas Visitor
The hospital room was decorated for Christmas. The young man was sitting in his bed, wired up to a horde of machines. The kid was watching something on the television mounted on the wall. Barely able to keep his eyes open. He was 8.
“Are you in any pain,” the nurse asked…READ MORE…
The Zenith of the Green New Scam; The dire predictions and vast benefits haven’t panned out
The computerized climate models from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia and other institutions laid the “scientific” foundation for the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming theory that has led to the subsequent 30+ years of climate hysteria and a politicization of the study of the weather and climate in general. The result has been a cottage industry of academics, nonprofits, captured journalists, and political scientists (NOTphysical scientists), and government actors who have collectively produced evermore extreme claims of impending disasters due to “man-caused climate change.” Various governments have used these disaster scenarios to gin up support for radical policies to drastically alter energy production and use in their respective countries through massive subsidies of so-called “clean energy” and “green technology,” as well as regulations aimed at “ending the use of fossil [sic] fuels.”…READ MORE…
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