Rights Are Not Wishes: A Wake-Up Call for the Entitlement Generation
In an age where words are twisted, definitions are rewritten, and logic is treated like an optional subject, the word “right” has been dragged into the mud of absurdity.
In an age where words are twisted, definitions are rewritten, and logic is treated like an optional subject, the word “right” has been dragged into the mud of absurdity. A right, as defined by the Founding Fathers and every dictionary that hasn’t been hijacked by modern activists, is something God-given. It’s inherent, unearned, and inalienable. But somewhere along the way, some folks got confused and decided that their “rights” now include the contents of other people’s wallets, homes, and even refrigerators. …READ MORE…
WATCH: Bill Clinton: First female president will likely be a Republican
Former President Bill Clinton blaming the culture wars for Vice President Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton’s presidential race loss, predicting the first woman president will likely be a Republican. However, panelist Sarah Matthews believes the first female president doesn’t have to be a woman on the right but “the right woman.” #CNN #News …WATCH HERE…
Media discovers Republicans buy sneakers too
Trump won every county in West Virginia in 2016, 2020 and 2024. Republicans hold every state office. The last Democrat to win statewide office supported Trump; his Republican opponent did not. Republicans control the state Senate 32-2 and the House 91-9.
On Friday, the local newspaper’s editorial was “A way to get Dems back on track.” Its cartoon was anti-Gaetz. Its three columns were all anti-Republican screeds. In other words, it was a typical day for the Charleston Gazette-Mail. …READ MORE…
Why the National Association of Scholars Opposes the Cult of Transgenderism
During the 2024 presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised to reign in the transgender zealots who, for the past four years, have managed to contaminate once-rational minds with bogus notions about gender identity, human biology, settled science, and women’s athletics.
Recently, the National Association of Scholars, an organization I belong to as a former University of Illinois dean and professor (now emeritus), boldly issued a statement and rationale against the cult of transgenderism that is permeating every corner of our nation–from women’s bathrooms and changing rooms to K-12 schools and universities. …READ MORE…
The Lights Are on and the Roaches are Scattering
The legacy media is fond of chanting, “Democracy dies in darkness.” Of course, they’ve been saying that while they point their probing lights in every direction but where government scandals are happening, and spread hoaxes as an exercise in “talking truth to power.” Apparently the MSM is more interested in posing as the defenders of democracy than preventing its demise. We Americans however, have a different agenda. We demand actual self-governance, and we’ve come to understand that they haven’t been illuminating anything.…READ MORE…
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