Rigged Debate: Harris Had Much More Help Than Viewers Noticed That Night
Anyone who watched even the first thirty minutes of the September 10th “debate” between Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris could tell the “moderators” were bending over backwards to help Harris.
Anyone who watched even the first thirty minutes of the September 10th “debate” between Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris could tell the “moderators” were bending over backwards to help Harris. No doubt you have also heard about an affidavit that was signed by an ABC employee the day before the debate who was aware of the collusion between the Harris/Walz campaign and ABC to tip the scale in Harris’s favor…READ MORE…
It's All A Ruse
The Democrat Party is conducting another ruse on America. In modern politics, this trend began with Obama, although some would argue that it began with Clinton. They tried hard with Hillary. They succeeded with Biden with the help of a late night pause in counting to make 'adjustments'. Now, they have united to promote Kamala Harris as the savior of democracy, presenting obscure policy statements that they hope you will perceive as beneficial. Never mind that she had a firm hand in our economic and border collapse…READ MORE…
Democrats Don’t Love The Country
Rather than doing whatever it takes to protect that which most Americans love, our country, Democrats are doing anything and everything they can to protect their own political power…READ MORE…
Musk 1, Eurocrat 0
How awful are world politics today? It has me giving money to two billionaires — Donald Trump and Elon Musk. They are real life Obi-Wan Kenobis. One is fighting for my country, the other for my God-given, shove-it-up-the-censors right to free speech.
Google messed around with me and I ditched it for Substack, where I am happier and my readers don’t have to put up with advertisements…READ MORE…
Harris/Walz-Prosecutor and Teacher… most accurate campaign sign yet
Just the other day, I saw my first “I’m voting for the Prosecutor and Teacher” sign. For a moment, I had to do a double-take. Who was running for local prosecutor, and when was the last time teachers ran for office? Perhaps for School Board Chairman?
Of course, the sign is for Harris and Walz, aka Aunt Kamy and Tampon Tim. But what is revealing is that these signs, which are now popping up around the country, might be the most accurate campaign signs ever made. Now we can clearly see that the mask is off…READ MORE…
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