Let’s get this straight: nationality is about legal status, not skin color. Nations have every right to protect their borders and look after their own citizens, and doing so isn’t racist—it’s called being smart. Somehow, though, we’ve managed to let the specter of “race” cloud what should be simple. When a country prioritizes its citizens, that’s just practical governance. Calling border protection racist is like accusing a bouncer of being discriminatory because they check IDs. Spoiler alert: it’s about legality, not biology.…READ MORE…
WATCH: Could we see an AOC 2028 presidential bid?
The ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ co-hosts weigh in on rumors over a possible Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez presidential run in 2028. #foxnews…WATCH HERE…
Living Behind Enemy Lines, Tale #20: It Is Now Illegal To Make Illegals Feel Uncomfortable
As we import ever more illegals into Sanctuary Washington State, Democrats want to be sure they are comfortable. Giving them free Obamacare, free housing, free food, free everything is not enough! We need to give them special status. How do we do that? During the 2024 legislative session we gave them Super Citizen status by allowing them to work, but not pay Social Security & Medicare taxes. And to ensure that Americans don’t hurt their feelings we enacted a new law during the same session that wipes out First Amendment Rights for Americans. Washington’s Marxist Governor signed into law a bill which is a Soviet-style, Chinese Social Credit Score-type, unconstitutional bill.…READ MORE…
The President Elect Needs Our Help
We’ve had our election, and “we the people” have spoken. We want our country back. Exit polling shocked everyone. Concern about our democracy has become the top issue for voters. It even beat out concern about the economy.…READ MORE…
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