Powerful Image of Trump Sparks Media Controversy
Leftist media actually moving to ban the now historic image of defiance by President Trump. Shows you how ridiculous the Left is.
Left-leaning media outlets are expressing concern over an iconic image of former President Donald J. Trump, with one editor even urging it to be buried. The powerful photo, taken at a rally, shows a bloodied Trump raising his fist and shouting “Fight, fight, fight!” after surviving an assassination attempt. The image, capturing a dramatic and historic moment, is being compared to the famous photo of Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima.
Several photographers privately expressed worries to Axios that the viral image could be used as "photo propaganda" to further Trump’s political agenda…READ MORE…
Is America on the Cusp of a Second Civil War?
The most controversial movie of 2024 (so far) is the dystopian film “Civil War.” It depicts a politically and socially divided America in the throes of a second civil war.
In the not-too-distant future, the United States is no longer united but split into four warring forces or states. There are the Loyalist States based in Washington D.C., which include states in New England, the Great Lakes, and parts of the Midwest; the Florida Alliance, which includes many of the Southeastern states; the Portland Maoists or New People’s Army, which includes states in the Northwest; and the Western Forces comprised of Texas and California…READ MORE…
The Assassination of the President (JFK) of the United States of America Closing on 60
What Do Donald Trump, JFK, RFK, MLK and Malcolm X Not Have In Common? The answer to my title is only one survived an assassination attempt.
Trump’s miraculous close call was just a matter of time. I observed earlier in these articles that the deep state swamp was going to come to the realization at some point that only the “JFK solution” remained for them.
We don’t need no stinking investigation-except on the shooter. Heads should roll over this government failure, at a minimum the head of Secret Service (SS,) Kimberly Cheatle-who retired in 2019- but was brought back for reasons unknown…READ MORE…
The Intel Circus: How America's Intelligence Community Became a Political Puppet
Once upon a time, America's intelligence apparatus was the pride of the nation, safeguarding the homeland and ensuring that "we the people" could sleep soundly at night. Fast forward to the 21st century, and it seems these noble institutions have morphed into little more than political tools, bending to the whims of the power-hungry rather than fulfilling their constitutional duties. The recent debacle involving Hunter Biden's laptop is a prime example of this grotesque transformation…READ MORE…
Big Tent Includes Amber Rose Reagan; "It is not your duty or privilege to destroy others in the tent."
Trump is winning the black vote — slowly but surely — simply by being a Republican. He is showing people of all races that they benefit better from Republican policies than they do Democrat pandering.
His call to stop taxing tips is as Republican as it gets because tips are a reward for good service. Republicans tip. Democrats don’t. They demand a higher minimum wage so that lazy waiters get as much money as the good ones do. The end of this tax will help people of all races and in many occupations in which you keep your clothes on…READ MORE…
Presidential Health: Observations and Concerns About Possible Neurological Conditions
If you think President Biden is fit for duty… You’re either a Lunatic or a Liar…
Based on public observations and numerous videos of our President, some have speculated that he may be exhibiting symptoms consistent with neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease or Lewy body dementia (LBD). While I am not a medical professional, I will outline these concerns based on visible symptoms that align with these diseases, highlighting the importance of seeking professional medical advice for any accurate diagnosis…READ MORE…
Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Vol II - Episode 94: Children, Crayons, and Painted Desert Soup
In today’s episode, Joe Buckstop and his cook discuss crayons, paintings, and a bit of laundering…
Children, Crayons, and Painted Desert Soup
Dateline: July 8. Begin Transcript:
"Hello Down There! Are you in, Boss?"
"Of course I'm in! You wouldn't be calling me if I weren't!"
"You know, boss, that actually makes sense!"
"So what's going on up there? What are you bothering me for this time?"
"Hold your horses, boss. Remember my knee. I take three times as long to get down these stairs as anybody else. Even longer tonight, because I have to be careful."
"Careful? Why? What's different about tonight?"
"Well, I stretched my talents a bit today, boss. Made a really complicated soup. It's called Painted Desert Soup. Can't let it get mixed up."…READ MORE…
Government Swamp Problem-Solving: The Art of Backward Thinking
Government problem-solving is a peculiar art, perfected over decades by professional bureaucrats and fueled by one golden rule: always cover your butt.
This involves the paradoxical art of wiping your butt even before you poop, a technique that, while counterintuitive, has become the hallmark of bureaucratic brilliance. The goal is simple—never be the one left holding the bag when things go awry. Leave that job to some lower ranking poor soul…READ MORE…
John Parillo Expounds Upon Federalist 63
It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.
It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow…READ MORE…
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