Politics’ Dirty Little Secret-Courts Don’t Make Laws
A fabrication has been fed to us for years by our schools, politicians, mass media and even pop culture… that courts make laws. The reality… they don’t, and this is a dirty little secret in the political world.
For years, these politicians fed us the line that went something like this- “I can’t do anything about abortion, because the courts made the law.” Many ran as pro-life candidates, but never submitted a true pro-life bill to the legislative floor. Nor did they tell us the truth… that only they, the legislature, make laws…READ MORE…
Trump Blew the Debate
Of course, Trump was debating three people instead of just the cackler, but he missed a huge opportunity to win over independents with clear policy initiatives. Even this morning, with questions from a friendly audience in a Pennsylvania diner on Fox News, he failed to make key points. He was asked by one MAGA clothing-wearing supporter what he would do about inflation. He wandered around and bloviated, never really answering the question. When I had to endure media training as part of the pre-command course, they taught us to have your key talking points clearly enumerated and to steer conversations back to them…READ MORE…
Megan Basham’s “Shepherds For Sale”, Marxism on the Move (Part 2)
Megan Basham connects the dots from Cultural Marxist (Leftist) organizations or persons to Evangelical organizations and leaders and how much money was involved climate change. Let’s follow the evidence and comment on conclusions…READ MORE…
Doctors Lewis & Clark
This article is the fourth in a series of six articles about the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Two centuries ago, human kind was not capable of creating deadly diseases. They just didn’t possess the scientific knowledge to intentionally produce a disease that could kill millions of people. You will find these details about medical care “in olden days” most interesting…READ MORE…
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