Our Government Does Nothing Right – Migrant Child Addition
Our Government is effectively operating a child trafficking operation at the border
To avoid government detention of illegal minors at the border – and the inconvenient photos of children which that provides – the Biden administration operates an outplacement program. It moves illegal migrant children into private care as quickly as possible – out of sight, out of the news.…READ MORE…
It's Like Being Called "Weird," by a Weirdo
UPS delivered the latest sure-fired plan from Acme to get Donald Trump — the Call Him Weird starter kit. The word was sent out and the leftwing nut jobs jubilated…READ MORE…
Disney's Theme Parks Struggle During Economic Uncertainty and Reduced Consumer Spending
Woke Disney is still in trouble. Their crash at the box office is now being met by slowing theme park sales. Many conservatives are still boycotting the woke giant until the racist and anti-American nonsense is stopped…READ MORE…
The Complex Relationship Between Islam, the Dark Ages, and the Crusades
During the Dark Ages in Europe, the Islamic world was flourishing, making groundbreaking contributions to mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy, while also conducting significant Islamic military expansion driven by a combination of religious zeal and imperial ambition…READ MORE…
John Parillo: Federalist 79; More on the Judiciary
After Hamilton’s introduction to the Judiciary in Federalist 78, he digs a bit deeper into the subject here…READ MORE…
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