Of Course They Will Send Him To Prison
Judge Merchan will put Trump in prison. He has to or the DNC’s checks to his daughter won’t clear the bank.
Of course they convicted him. There is no justice in New York City. The Mafia proved that a century ago when it bought off the judges. The corruption runs deep and putrid in the city that never sleeps. Alvin the Chipmunk Bragg ran for prosecutor on a platform of letting criminals run rampant and bringing Donald Trump down. No one should be surprised by the 34 cries of guilty by a jury of liberal sheep.
New Yorkers love living in swill. They brag about their swill city and its diversity and rightly so…READ MORE…
Corruption Irruption
Democrats have been after Trump well before he set foot in the White House, so why would anything be different now?
Democrats have been after Trump well before he set foot in the White House, so why would anything be different now? Democrats failed to convict Trump after two weak impeachment attempts, the Steele dossier, the Hunter Biden disinformation campaign, the list is long as it is surly.
That shining city on the hill that Ronald Reagan so eloquently described is trading a democratic republic in for a banana republic in less than a generation. Third world dictatorships are infamous for convicting people they don’t like. We are now no better. When the constitutional rights of a citizen are trampled upon, we all lose. Reagan schooled America back in the 1980s how, “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”…READ MORE…
Reexamining Values: The Paradox of Pride and Embarrassment
Those who live unconventional lifestyles or defy traditional norms are often praised for their courage and authenticity, leading to a sense of pride in their choices and identity.
In today's society, there exists a paradoxical trend where individuals often find themselves embarrassed by aspects of their identity or beliefs that should evoke pride, while simultaneously taking pride in attributes or behaviors that might warrant reflection. One such example is the prevailing social construct that tends to foster embarrassment towards religious affiliation, particularly Christianity, while celebrating nonconformity and eccentricity as sources of pride. Especially this month.…READ MORE…
There is a Price to Pay for Freedom
Our younger Generations have been coddled, have not been challenged, They will learn—the hard way—that freedom is not free. A price will be paid, as nothing is free.
Our younger Generations have been coddled, have not been challenged, and take for granted their freedoms, our country’s great opportunities, our Constitution, and the sacrifices of many who’ve fought for and died for the benefits they’ve been gifted. They will learn—the hard way—that freedom is not free. A price will be paid, as nothing is free.
Understand..we are in a war, a war that is never ending, and one in which our domestic and global adversaries are having significant success. Success in taking down America from within.
The key to understanding the naivete of today’s youth and leftist lemmings is to look at the past, as we’ve seen history replete with examples of the indoctrinated, naive, uneducated, and ill-informed. For example:…READ MORE…
Secret Service Sets Deadly Trap For GOP
Hoping to injure GOP attendees, corrupt Secret Service designated lunatics' protest area next to entry to convention building.
Corrupt Secret Service management has found a clever way to hurt the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in July, and to terrorize & perhaps injure the attendees. According to Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), the Secret Service designated a protest area just one block from the convention building where Trump Derangement Syndrome patients can scream and holler. Between the “protest block” and the convention building is an unfenced park through which attendees must walk in order to enter the building.…READ MORE…
Safety Before Victory: The Retard Revolution of Free Speech
Our battle cry turned into “safety before victory,” a motto dripping with the irony of fighting a war where winning wasn’t an option.
Back in Iraq, it didn’t take long for us soldiers to realize our hands were tied. The government, in its infinite wisdom, had no intention of letting us win. So, we did what any group of disillusioned warriors would do: we got bitter and snarky. Our battle cry turned into “safety before victory,” a motto dripping with the irony of fighting a war where winning wasn’t an option.
Fast forward to present-day America, and it seems we’ve taken that same sardonic spirit and applied it to our domestic front. Welcome to the “Retard Revolution,” where free speech is no longer legal—for your safety, of course. You see, in this brave new world, the right to express yourself has been subordinated to the almighty cause of not offending anyone. Because nothing says “progress” like censoring opinions to protect our fragile sensibilities.…READ MORE…
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