Now They’re Coming for Us
As Donald Trump warns us: “They’re coming for you. I’m just in the way.”
So far the radicals have tried to silence him, tested his marriage, raided his home, attempted to shutter his businesses, worked to imprison him, and even tried to kill him (and not just with a sniper). Now they’re coming for us…READ MORE…
Why did the Secret Service allow Trump on the stage minutes after identifying Crooks as a threat?
No, the idea that Democrats might dial back security at Trump events to leave him vulnerable to the whims of a deranged citizen is not crazy.
Fox News reported he was next seen an hour before the shooting occurred. A local sniper team (and several rally attendees) spotted Crooks scoping out the area around the building from where he would soon fire at Trump. According to Fox, Crooks looked “so suspicious” that the sniper team took a photograph of him…READ MORE…
It Was Almost a Funeral
Republicans have not been this united in decades as their delegates convene in Milwaukee.
Yes, while we are enjoying a very good week, let us also bear in that we came too close to holding a wake and funeral for our president. They want him dead and will stop at nothing now to accomplish that. Their desire to destroy him did not die in Butler, Pennsylvania…READ MORE…
“Make America Great Again” Has Never Had A Better Ring To It
The Republican ticket of Donald Trump and J.D. Vance is a desperately needed vote for change.
We’ve had four years of failure on multiple fronts— record inflation, record illegal immigration, abysmal foreign policy, as well as lawfare against Trump. Americans are suffering under the cumulative weight of 20% inflation, from groceries and gas to healthcare to housing. The Democratic response to this has been to gaslight Americans. Still, voters are seeing reality for what it is: a decent-paying job is no longer enough to guarantee a prosperous stable lifestyle…READ MORE…
The Uniparty Presents a Clear and Present Danger to the Republic
It is time for Americans to realize that the America we thought we knew has been on the auction block for a long time and the final bidding is in progress.
Are you tired of the political theater yet? This political theater has a level of absurdity that only a select few can enjoy. We vote red or blue and pretend that the opposing candidates are all that different. The candidate who stands up for the principles of the American Constitution is automatically removed or minimized. The fact is there is little difference between the two parties; they are a UniParty with one goal – to sell this country to the highest bidder. Keep watching the fallout from FTX Crypto and Hunter Biden if you have doubts…READ MORE…
Thank God No Conservative Has Done Anything Stupid with a Firearm...Yet
Let's take a moment to thank the Almighty that no conservative has done anything monumentally stupid with a firearm in recent history.
Yes, we're talking about the kind of headline-grabbing, facepalm-inducing stunt that would make even the staunchest Second Amendment supporter cringe. Because, let's face it, the left is practically salivating for any excuse to strip us of our right to bear arms…READ MORE…
John Parillo expounds on Federalist 64 and the Power to Entangle the United States in the Affairs of Others
In yet another paper that seems written to us today, John Jay re-enters the fray by discussing the process by which the new United States may enter into a treaty with others. The colonies were blessed, in part, by their distance from other countries. While the major players in Europe clearly had designs on the new territory, the logistics involved with keeping settlements fortified, or equipping armies, were daunting. What made the British such a formidable empire was their navy, which gave them the ability to project power almost anywhere in the world…READ MORE…
How to Stop Gun Violence: Defund Much of Government
Government is not reason, it is not eloquence. It is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.
Many years ago, while teaching the last few weeks of a high school advanced placement U.S. History class, one of my students suddenly blurted out, “I got it!” We all looked at her in astonishment. And then she threw a real zinger. “The only people who can’t be trusted with guns is government!” Epiphanies like this, created in a student’s mind when seeing the evidence, is something that will last a lifetime…READ MORE…
The Great Green Olympic Games: When Going Green Goes for Gold
After all, where else could you see an Olympic athlete earn gold by expertly tossing a moldy carrot peel into a compost bin?
[Honolulu, USA] The opening ceremony of the Great Green Olympic Games was a spectacle to behold, full of solar-powered lights and athletes riding stationary bikes to power the stadium. It was clear that this was not going to be your typical Olympics. Instead of the usual parade of nations, athletes marched in carrying their own compost bins, proudly displaying their ability to turn banana peels into garden gold.**…READ MORE…
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