No, The Government Is Not There To "Redistribute" The Wealth Of Others
Governments are empowered to tax for limited and legitimate functions. Not to "spread the wealth around."
The federal budget is out of control and the Democrats have no intention of fixing it. It’s a pox on both houses, the GOP has a sizable portion of its members not interested in doing their Constitutionally mandated function either. Just pass a continuing resolution (and allow them to pack it with trillions in pork), not give anyone time to read it, and go onto the next continuing resolution…READ MORE…
The Problem With Father’s Day
Every social pathology in America comes back to the family. The family is founded on fathers’ leadership and mothers’ nurturing love.
This Father’s Day 2024, the problem is fathers. Not enough of them married to the mothers and not enough of them selflessly serving as good husbands and fathers. Every social pathology in America comes back to the family. The family is founded on fathers’ leadership and mothers’ nurturing love.
Every absurd attack on men being men as good husbands and fathers is based on the Human Secular Totalitarian ideology – commonly called “Cultural Marxism.” This ideology runs five of seven institutions in America. It’s competing for Family and Religion. Most Americans don’t ascribe to it, but the ruling elites do…READ MORE…
Yearning For the Good Old COVID Years
For several years now, the World Health Organization, a part of the UN, has been planning a Global Pandemic Treaty.
The New World Order Globalists are deadly serious about their plans for rebuilding Babylon, and they’re not stopping. Their goal is a one-world government, with a single leader to rule the world. Of course, there are many underlings doing his bidding, already at work in nations around the world, to destroy their own national sovereignty, and prepare the way for this tyrannical control of Planet Earth…READ MORE…
John Parillo: Federalist 22 and 23
In discussing Federalist 22 and 23, John Parillo examines economics along with the very real necessity of defending the newly-born nation.
In Federalist 23, Hamilton as Publius seeks to remedy the issues he raises with the Articles of Confederation in Federalist 22. He does this by arguing that the means must be the equal of the ends. For instance, while the Articles were supposed to allow the states to provide for their common defense, the structure of the Articles did not provide them the means to do so…READ MORE…
The Misguided Advice in High School Graduation Speeches
All too often, the advice given is impractical, overly idealistic, and fails to prepare students for the harsh realities of adulthood.
High school graduation speeches are meant to inspire and guide young adults as they step into the next phase of their lives. However, too often, the advice given is impractical, overly idealistic, and fails to prepare students for the harsh realities of adulthood. A recent example from a 30-year-old teacher at a graduation ceremony today underscored this issue. His speech, which was excessively long and centered on his own personal achievements, primarily the pursuit of happiness. This highlights the disconnect between well-meaning advice and the realities graduates will face…READ MORE…
Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Vol II - Episode 86: Europe, China, Energy, Airbus, NATO, and Belgian Beer Conch Soup
Joe Buckstop, an aging, corrupt old fool, somehow becomes president in his basement, and every night, an aide has to bring him his soup and discuss the events of the day as he prepares to receive his nightly meds...
In today’s episode, Joe Buckstop is asked about his recent trip to Europe – remember this is early 2021, in our alternative universe where Russia has not yet invaded Ukraine and Europe is still deciding whether or not to become completely dependent on Russia for power.
Europe, China, Energy, Airbus, NATO, and Belgian Beer Conch Soup
Dateline: June 20. Begin Transcript:
"Good evening, sir! Did you save room for soup?"
"Soup? Oh goodie."
"We have Belgian Beer Conch Chowder tonight, sir."
"What the heck is that?"…READ MORE…
Pride Month: A Marketing Bonanza or Genuine Support?
The branding and marketing of Pride Month are a textbook case of advertising and marketing doctrines at work, with a healthy dose of psychological manipulation thrown in for good measure.
Ah, Pride Month. That time of year when companies suddenly discover their rainbow-colored logos and launch into a frenzy of inclusivity. But let’s not kid ourselves; this isn’t just about support and celebration. It’s about dollars and cents. The branding and marketing of Pride Month are a textbook case of advertising and marketing doctrines at work, with a healthy dose of psychological manipulation thrown in for good measure…READ MORE…
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