NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was born in 1949 with a straightforward mission: keep the Soviets out, the Americans in, and the Germans down. A lean, mean defense alliance, it stood as the West’s bulwark against Soviet expansion during the Cold War. Fast-forward 75 years, and NATO has transformed from a trusty guard dog into a meddling global busybody with a political agenda that seems less about security and more about stirring the pot. And if you squint, it looks like this aging organization is itching to host the world’s next global conflict.…READ MORE…
WATCH: Election certification could be delayed as Mike Johnson fights for speakership
Fox News’ Madeleine Rivera provides details on the upcoming election for House speaker as Mike Johnson faces some pushback from his party over the recently passed spending bill. ‘Fox & Friends’ discuss the possible fallout if Johnson isn’t reelection. #FoxNews …WATCH HERE…
Oregon Robs Kids Of Their Futures
“As you know, deep blue Oregon is a one-party state that’s been controlled by Democrats since the 1980s. Its business and social fabric are shredded. Once one of the nation’s leading K-12 educational states, it now suffers the ignominy of having fallen to near the bottom of education rankings. Oregon’s leftist Democrats and their powerful teachers’ union allies have proven again that a socialist government and agenda are doomed to failure.”…READ MORE…
Christmas with Becca
Christmas supper. The little girl beside me ate ferociously as though she had not eaten in 13 years when in fact she had already eaten two breakfasts, one Christmas lunch, half a bag of tortilla chips, a quarter of a cheese log, and various holiday snacks which all featured onion dip as a main ingredient. …READ MORE…
The European Union- Hitler’s Dream Come True
What does France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Slovakia all have in common… besides being part of the European Union, and NATO as well? …READ MORE…
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