Moral Relativism Comes to the Vatican
The Pope is correct that issues of morality can get quite complicated. Fortunately, God made it simple for us by carving the important stuff into stone tablets.
The Pope has been steadfast in his condemnation of abortion -- he is Catholic after all. But then he decided to engage in a bit of moral relativism, to dabble in the US election. As reported by the Catholic Hearald, the Pope speaking about pro-choice and anti-illegal immigration candidates said…READ MORE…
Walking the Halls of Congress
Spent last week lobbying Congress for reform at the three Service Academies. Four West Point grads visited members of the Senate and House for the MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates (USMA), the Calvert Task Force (USNA), and Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services (STARRS) (USAFA). We spoke with friendly members, so it was pleasant. Personally, it was an eye-opening reminder about the ways of the world. The world isn’t about equality, it’s about power…READ MORE…
Biden’s Awkward Moment at Quad Summit Raises Concerns Amid High-Stakes Diplomacy
At the Quad summit in Wilmington, Delaware, President Biden found himself in an awkward moment. Standing before a gathering of world leaders, he seemed unsure of whom to introduce next. His voice, a little louder than necessary, cut through the room: “Who’s next? Who am I introducing now?” Staffers, caught off guard, scrambled as an announcer stepped in to clarify—it was India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Modi, unfazed, walked to the stage and exchanged a handshake with Biden, the air thick with formality…READ MORE…
What a Never Trumper believes; No wise man has the power to reason away
8 years ago and counting, National Review introduced us to Never Trump, a cruise ship where Bill Kristol and the rest of the neocons sold themselves as True Conservatives who stood up to an imposter. The gig must have made them a lot of money because they sold out conservatism…READ MORE…
USA Today Columnist is Incredibly Butthurt That Two Top Athletes Didn't Speak Out the Way She Wanted
For whom Patrick Mahomes and Caitlyn Clark intend to vote has absolutely no bearing on for whom I intend to vote, but sports columnist Nancy Armour apparently believes that it's their duty to open their secret ballots to me…READ MORE…
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