May Day: Mayday! Mayday!
Mayday! The United Methodist Church's misguided celebration of its liberal "victory" is akin to Nero's fiddling while Rome burned to the ground.
On May 1 (May Day) at the General Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC), the delegates voted 692-51 to repeal the church's longstanding ban on LGBTQ clergy. The fact that there was no debate is an alarming indication of the state of the current UMC. Mayday! Mayday!
Why was there such an overwhelming majority voting in favor of the ruling? In 2020, a process of "disaffiliation" began, allowing traditional Methodist congregations to leave the UMC conference while retaining their church property. Roughly one-quarter of the conference--7600 churches--left the UMC, and therefore, their delegates were not at the General Conference…READ MORE…
Genesis, the Serpent, and the Human Brain: A Metaphorical Exploration of Order and Chaos
Central to the Biblical creation narrative is the serpent, symbolizing temptation, deception, and the allure of chaos.
The Biblical narrative of Genesis introduces us to the story of creation, where humanity, after the fall, emerges as an image of God, endowed with the capacity for discerning good and evil, order and chaos. Central to this narrative is the serpent, symbolizing temptation, deception, and the allure of chaos. In contemplating these elements, we find intriguing parallels with the workings of the human brain, particularly its two lobes—representing the delicate balance between order and chaos, good and evil…READ MORE…
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