President Donald John Trump, who has taken risks throughout his life and turned his millions into billions. Columnist Josh Hammer made the case that Trump is batting .3995 this season.
Trump thought getting elected president would make him President. Obama thwarted that by installing booby traps in the government. Trump never got to be commander-in-chief and his handling of covid was sabotaged by Obama’s henchmen. Reagan may have appointed Fauci but any appointee who has held the job 10 years is a J. Edgar Hoover who has turned his agency into his fiefdom. The mission becomes to keep the agency alive and its budget growing.
Trump’s a sharp guy. He’s learned…READ MORE.
Decline of the Republican Brand by Brent Regan
If you want the truth about what’s happening in the Republican Party you won’t get it from the democrats or their allies in the media.
If you want the truth about what’s happening in the Republican Party you won’t get it from the democrats or their allies in the media. They want you to believe a myth that the party is trying to disenfranchise voters and prevent candidates from running for office. Of course this is exactly what you would expect to hear from the opposition and those that have lost power due to a surge in grassroots engagement.
In an age where anyone can claim to identify as whatever they decide to be, regular people crave normalcy and look for consistency. Voters who thought they voted for a “Republican” only to find they govern like a big government liberal are upset with the party and call for truth in advertising…READ MORE.
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